Sandro Zampieri
Sandro Zampieri
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Feedback control under data rate constraints: An overview
GN Nair, F Fagnani, S Zampieri, RJ Evans
Proceedings of the IEEE 95 (1), 108-137, 2007
Controllability metrics, limitations and algorithms for complex networks
F Pasqualetti, S Zampieri, F Bullo
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 1 (1), 40-52, 2014
Distributed Kalman filtering based on consensus strategies
R Carli, A Chiuso, L Schenato, S Zampieri
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in communications 26 (4), 622-633, 2008
On the existence and linear approximation of the power flow solution in power distribution networks
S Bolognani, S Zampieri
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (1), 163-172, 2015
Randomized consensus algorithms over large scale networks
F Fagnani, S Zampieri
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26 (4), 634-649, 2008
A distributed control strategy for reactive power compensation in smart microgrids
S Bolognani, S Zampieri
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 58 (11), 2818-2833, 2013
Communication constraints in the average consensus problem
R Carli, F Fagnani, A Speranzon, S Zampieri
Automatica 44 (3), 671-684, 2008
Distributed reactive power feedback control for voltage regulation and loss minimization
S Bolognani, R Carli, G Cavraro, S Zampieri
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (4), 966-981, 2014
Average consensus on networks with quantized communication
P Frasca, R Carli, F Fagnani, S Zampieri
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2009
Gossip consensus algorithms via quantized communication
R Carli, F Fagnani, P Frasca, S Zampieri
Automatica 46 (1), 70-80, 2010
Trends in networked control systems
S Zampieri
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 2886-2894, 2008
Quantized average consensus via dynamic coding/decoding schemes
R Carli, F Bullo, S Zampieri
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2010
Stability analysis and synthesis for scalar linear systems with a quantized feedback
F Fagnani, S Zampieri
IEEE Transactions on automatic control 48 (9), 1569-1584, 2003
On the dynamics of deterministic epidemic propagation over networks
W Mei, S Mohagheghi, S Zampieri, F Bullo
Annual Reviews in Control 44, 116-128, 2017
Average consensus with packet drop communication
F Fagnani, S Zampieri
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (1), 102-133, 2009
Network clock synchronization based on the second-order linear consensus algorithm
R Carli, S Zampieri
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (2), 409-422, 2013
Quantized stabilization of linear systems: complexity versus performance
F Fagnani, S Zampieri
IEEE Transactions on automatic control 49 (9), 1534-1548, 2004
State space realization of 2-D finite-dimensional behaviours
E Fornasini, P Rocha, S Zampieri
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 31 (6), 1502-1517, 1993
A PI consensus controller for networked clocks synchronization
R Carli, A Chiuso, L Schenato, S Zampieri
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 10289-10294, 2008
Optimal synchronization for networks of noisy double integrators
R Carli, A Chiuso, L Schenato, S Zampieri
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 56 (5), 1146-1152, 2011
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