Vincent Bulone
Vincent Bulone
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Genome sequence and analysis of the Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans
BJ Haas, S Kamoun, MC Zody, RHY Jiang, RE Handsaker, LM Cano, ...
Nature 461 (7262), 393-398, 2009
A classification of nucleotide-diphospho-sugar glycosyltransferases based on amino acid sequence similarities.
JA Campbell, GJ Davies, V Bulone, B Henrissat
Biochemical Journal 326 (Pt 3), 929, 1997
The pineapple genome and the evolution of CAM photosynthesis.
ray ming
nature genetics 47, 1435-1442, 2015
Callose biosynthesis regulates symplastic trafficking during root development
A Vatén, J Dettmer, S Wu, YD Stierhof, S Miyashima, SR Yadav, ...
Developmental cell 21 (6), 1144-1155, 2011
Flexible and responsive chiral nematic cellulose nanocrystal/poly (ethylene glycol) composite films with uniform and tunable structural color
K Yao, Q Meng, V Bulone, Q Zhou
Advanced materials 29 (28), 1701323, 2017
BcsA and BcsB form the catalytically active core of bacterial cellulose synthase sufficient for in vitro cellulose synthesis
O Omadjela, A Narahari, J Strumillo, H Mélida, O Mazur, V Bulone, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (44), 17856-17861, 2013
Transparent, hazy and strong macroscopic ribbon of oriented cellulose nanofibrils bearing poly (ethylene glycol)
H Tang, N Butchosa, V Bulone, Q Zhou
Distinctive Expansion of Potential Virulence Genes in the Genome of the Oomycete Fish Pathogen Saprolegnia parasitica
RHY Jiang, I de Bruijn, BJ Haas, R Belmonte, L Löbach, J Christie, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (6), e1003272, 2013
What do we really know about cellulose biosynthesis in higher plants?
G Guerriero, J Fugelstad, V Bulone
Journal of integrative plant biology 52 (2), 161-175, 2010
In vitro versus in vivocellulose microfibrils from plant primary wall synthases: structural differences
J Lai-Kee-Him, H Chanzy, M Muller, JL Putaux, T Imai, V Bulone
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (40), 36931-36939, 2002
Analyses of extracellular carbohydrates in oomycetes unveil the existence of three different cell wall types
H Mélida, JV Sandoval-Sierra, J Diéguez-Uribeondo, V Bulone
Eukaryotic cell 12 (2), 194-203, 2013
Spatially resolved transcriptome profiling in model plant species
S Giacomello, F Salmén, BK Terebieniec, S Vickovic, JF Navarro, ...
Nature plants 3 (6), 1-11, 2017
Cellulose Synthesis in Phytophthora infestans Is Required for Normal Appressorium Formation and Successful Infection of Potato
LJ Grenville-Briggs, VL Anderson, J Fugelstad, AO Avrova, J Bouzenzana, ...
The Plant Cell 20 (3), 720-738, 2008
Nanocomposites of bacterial cellulose nanofibers and chitin nanocrystals: fabrication, characterization and bactericidal activity
N Butchosa, C Brown, PT Larsson, LA Berglund, V Bulone, Q Zhou
Green chemistry 15 (12), 3404-3413, 2013
An update on the nomenclature for the cellulose synthase genes in Populus
M Kumar, S Thammannagowda, V Bulone, V Chiang, KH Han, CP Joshi, ...
Trends in Plant Science 14 (5), 248-254, 2009
Extracellular vesicles secreted by Saccharomyces cerevisiae are involved in cell wall remodelling
K Zhao, M Bleackley, D Chisanga, L Gangoda, P Fonseka, M Liem, ...
Communications biology 2 (1), 305, 2019
AD French, S Perez, V Bulone, R Thomas, D Gray
Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, 1-69, 2018
Mutated barley (1, 3)-β-D-glucan endohydrolases synthesize crystalline (1, 3)-β-D-glucans
M Hrmova, T Imai, SJ Rutten, JK Fairweather, L Pelosi, V Bulone, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (33), 30102-30111, 2002
Multi-layer mucilage of Plantago ovata seeds: Rheological differences arise from variations in arabinoxylan side chains
L Yu, GE Yakubov, W Zeng, X Xing, J Stenson, V Bulone, JR Stokes
Carbohydrate Polymers 165, 132-141, 2017
Cell Wall Chitosaccharides Are Essential Components and Exposed Patterns of the Phytopathogenic Oomycete Aphanomyces euteiches
I Badreddine, C Lafitte, L Heux, N Skandalis, Z Spanou, Y Martinez, ...
Eukaryotic cell 7 (11), 1980-1993, 2008
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