Maryam Afzali
Maryam Afzali
Research Fellow at Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine (LICAMM)
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The sensitivity of diffusion MRI to microstructural properties and experimental factors
M Afzali, T Pieciak, S Newman, E Garyfallidis, E Özarslan, H Cheng, ...
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 347, 108951, 2021
Mapping the human connectome using diffusion MRI at 300 mT/m gradient strength: Methodological advances and scientific impact
Q Fan, C Eichner, M Afzali, L Mueller, CMW Tax, M Davids, M Mahmutovic, ...
Neuroimage 254, 118958, 2022
Tract based spatial statistical analysis and voxel based morphometry of diffusion indices in temporal lobe epilepsy
M Afzali, H Soltanian-Zadeh, KV Elisevich
Computers in biology and medicine 41 (12), 1082-1091, 2011
SPHERIOUSLY? The challenges of estimating sphere radius non-invasively in the human brain from diffusion MRI
M Afzali, M Nilsson, M Palombo, DK Jones
Neuroimage 237, 118183, 2021
Acquiring and predicting multidimensional diffusion (MUDI) data: an open challenge
M Pizzolato, M Palombo, E Bonet-Carne, CMW Tax, F Grussu, A Ianus, ...
Computational Diffusion MRI: MICCAI Workshop, Shenzhen, China, October 2019 …, 2020
Computing the orientational-average of diffusion-weighted MRI signals: a comparison of different techniques
M Afzali, H Knutsson, E Özarslan, DK Jones
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 14345, 2021
Segmentation of the brain using direction-averaged signal of DWI images
H Cheng, S Newman, M Afzali, SS Fadnavis, E Garyfallidis
Magnetic resonance imaging 69, 1-7, 2020
Micro-structure diffusion scalar measures from reduced MRI acquisitions
S Aja-Fernández, R de Luis-García, M Afzali, M Molendowska, T Pieciak, ...
PLoS One 15 (3), e0229526, 2020
MR fingerprinting with b‐tensor encoding for simultaneous quantification of relaxation and diffusion in a single scan
M Afzali, L Mueller, K Sakaie, S Hu, Y Chen, F Szczepankiewicz, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 88 (5), 2043-2057, 2022
On the generalizability of diffusion MRI signal representations across acquisition parameters, sequences and tissue types: Chronicles of the MEMENTO challenge
A De Luca, A Ianus, A Leemans, M Palombo, N Shemesh, H Zhang, ...
NeuroImage 240, 118367, 2021
Direction‐averaged diffusion‐weighted MRI signal using different axisymmetric B‐tensor encoding schemes
M Afzali, S Aja‐Fernández, DK Jones
Magnetic resonance in medicine 84 (3), 1579-1591, 2020
Medical image registration using sparse coding of image patches
M Afzali, A Ghaffari, E Fatemizadeh, H Soltanian-Zadeh
Computers in biology and medicine 73, 56-70, 2016
Glioma classification using multimodal radiology and histology data
A Hamidinekoo, T Pieciak, M Afzali, O Akanyeti, Y Yuan
International MICCAI Brainlesion Workshop, 508-518, 2020
Comparison of different tensor encoding combinations in microstructural parameter estimation
M Afzali, CMW Tax, C Chatziantoniou, DK Jones
2019 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019 …, 2019
Comparison of different electrocardiogram signal power line denoising methods based on SNR improvement
M Amiri, M Afzali, BV Vahdat
2012 19th Iranian Conference of Biomedical Engineering (ICBME), 159-162, 2012
Comparison of voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and tractography of diffusion tensor MRI (DT-MRI) in temporal lobe epilepsy
M Afzali, H Soltanian-Zadeh
2010 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 18-23, 2010
Quantification of tissue microstructure using tensor-valued diffusion encoding: brain and body
M Afzali, L Mueller, F Szczepankiewicz, DK Jones, JE Schneider
Frontiers in Physics 10, 809133, 2022
MicroLearn: Framework for machine learning, reconstruction, optimization and microstructure modeling
S Fadnavis, M Reisert, H Farooq, M Afzali, H Cheng, B Amirbekian, ...
ISMRM 2019 (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine), 2019
Cumulant Expansion with Localization: A new representation of the diffusion MRI signal
M Afzali, T Pieciak, DK Jones, JE Schneider, E Özarslan
Frontiers in Neuroimaging 1, 958680, 2022
In vivo diffusion MRI of the human heart using a 300 mT/m gradient system
M Afzali, L Mueller, S Coveney, F Fasano, CJ Evans, M Engel, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2024
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