V S Raja
V S Raja
Professor of Corrosion Science and Engineering, Indian Institite of Technology Bombay
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Study of the structure and corrosion behavior of PEO coatings on AM50 magnesium alloy by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
A Ghasemi, VS Raja, C Blawert, W Dietzel, KU Kainer
Surface and Coatings Technology 202 (15), 3513-3518, 2008
Stress corrosion cracking: theory and practice
VS Raja, T Shoji
Elsevier, 2011
The role of anions in the formation and corrosion resistance of the plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings
A Ghasemi, VS Raja, C Blawert, W Dietzel, KU Kainer
Surface and Coatings Technology 204 (9-10), 1469-1478, 2010
Influence of curing temperature, silica nanoparticles-and cerium on surface morphology and corrosion behaviour of hybrid silane coatings on mild steel
A Phanasgaonkar, VS Raja
Surface and Coatings Technology 203 (16), 2260-2271, 2009
Characterisation of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of Mg–Al alloys
N Winzer, A Atrens, W Dietzel, VS Raja, G Song, KU Kainer
Materials Science and Engineering: A 488 (1-2), 339-351, 2008
Impedance spectroscopic and dielectric analysis of PMMA-CO-P4VPNO polymer films
V Raja, AK Sharma, VVRN Rao
Materials Letters 58 (26), 3242-3247, 2004
Low temperature embrittlement of duplex stainless steel: Correlation between mechanical and electrochemical behavior
K Chandra, R Singhal, V Kain, VS Raja
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (16-17), 3904-3912, 2010
Low temperature thermal aging of austenitic stainless steel welds: Kinetics and effects on mechanical properties
K Chandra, V Kain, V Bhutani, VS Raja, R Tewari, GK Dey, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 534, 163-175, 2012
Effect of reverted austenite on mechanical properties of precipitation hardenable 17-4 stainlesssteel
R Bhambroo, S Roychowdhury, V Kain, VS Raja
Materials Science and Engineering: A 568, 127-133, 2013
Hot corrosion of YSZ/Al2O3 dispersed NiCrAlY plasma-sprayed coatings in Na2SO4–10 wt.% NaCl melt
G Sreedhar, VS Raja
Corrosion Science 52 (8), 2592-2602, 2010
Preparation and characterization of PVP-based polymer electrolytes for solid-state battery applications
C Venkata Subba Rao, M Ravi, V Raja, P Balaji Bhargav, AK Sharma, ...
Iranian Polymer Journal 21, 531-536, 2012
Enhancing stress corrosion cracking resistance in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu–Zr alloy through inhibiting recrystallization
MB Kannan, VS Raja
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 77 (2), 249-256, 2010
Study of plasma nitriding and nitrocarburizing for higher corrosion resistance and hardness of 2205 duplex stainless steel
J Alphonsa, VS Raja, S Mukherjee
Corrosion Science 100, 121-132, 2015
Hot corrosion behaviour of plasma sprayed YSZ/Al2O3 dispersed NiCrAlY coatings on Inconel-718 superalloy
G Sreedhar, MDM Alam, VS Raja
Surface and Coatings Technology 204 (3), 291-299, 2009
Hot corrosion behavior of solution precursor and atmospheric plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings
A Ajay, VS Raja, G Sivakumar, SV Joshi
Corrosion Science 98, 271-279, 2015
Stress corrosion cracking of a recent rare-earth containing magnesium alloy, EV31A, and a common Al-containing alloy, AZ91E
BS Padekar, RKS Raman, VS Raja, L Paul
Corrosion science 71, 1-9, 2013
Structural, electrical and optical properties of pure and NaLaF4 doped PEO polymer electrolyte films
VM Mohan, V Raja, PB Bhargav, AK Sharma, VVRN Rao
Journal of Polymer Research 14, 283-290, 2007
AC impedance study on the activation mechanism of aluminium by indium and zinc in 3.5% NaCl medium
A Venugopal, VS Raja
Corrosion Science 39 (12), 2053-2065, 1997
Effect of annealing below the crystallization temperature on the corrosion behavior of Al–Ni–Y metallic glasses
R Jindal, VS Raja, MA Gibson, MJ Styles, TJ Bastow, CR Hutchinson
Corrosion science 84, 54-65, 2014
Low temperature thermal ageing embrittlement of austenitic stainless steel welds and its electrochemical assessment
K Chandra, V Kain, VS Raja, R Tewari, GK Dey
Corrosion Science 54, 278-290, 2012
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