Jin Yao
Jin Yao
Alpine Optoelectronics
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25Gb/s 1V-driving CMOS ring modulator with integrated thermal tuning
G Li, X Zheng, J Yao, H Thacker, I Shubin, Y Luo, K Raj, JE Cunningham, ...
Optics Express 19 (21), 20435-20443, 2011
Ring resonator modulators in silicon for interchip photonic links
G Li, AV Krishnamoorthy, I Shubin, J Yao, Y Luo, H Thacker, X Zheng, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 19 (6), 95-113, 2013
Ultralow-loss, high-density SOI optical waveguide routing for macrochip interconnects
G Li, J Yao, H Thacker, A Mekis, X Zheng, I Shubin, Y Luo, JH Lee, K Raj, ...
Optics express 20 (11), 12035-12039, 2012
Exploiting CMOS manufacturing to reduce tuning requirements for resonant optical devices
AV Krishnamoorthy, X Zheng, G Li, J Yao, T Pinguet, A Mekis, H Thacker, ...
IEEE Photonics Journal 3 (3), 567-579, 2011
Ultra-efficient 10Gb/s hybrid integrated silicon photonic transmitter and receiver
X Zheng, D Patil, J Lexau, F Liu, G Li, H Thacker, Y Luo, I Shubin, J Li, ...
Optics Express 19 (6), 5172-5186, 2011
Highly-efficient thermally-tuned resonant optical filters
JE Cunningham, I Shubin, X Zheng, T Pinguet, A Mekis, Y Luo, H Thacker, ...
Optics Express 18 (18), 19055-19063, 2010
A high-speed, tunable silicon photonic ring modulator integrated with ultra-efficient active wavelength control
X Zheng, E Chang, P Amberg, I Shubin, J Lexau, F Liu, H Thacker, ...
Optics express 22 (10), 12628-12633, 2014
A tunable 1x4 silicon CMOS photonic wavelength multiplexer/demultiplexer for dense optical interconnects
X Zheng, I Shubin, G Li, T Pinguet, A Mekis, J Yao, H Thacker, Y Luo, ...
Optics express 18 (5), 5151-5160, 2010
Silicon microtoroidal resonators with integrated MEMS tunable coupler
J Yao, D Leuenberger, MCM Lee, MC Wu
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 13 (2), 202-208, 2007
Monolithically integrated high-speed CMOS photonic transceivers
T Pinguet, B Analui, E Balmater, D Guckenberger, M Harrison, ...
2008 5th IEEE international conference on group IV photonics, 362-364, 2008
Ultralow power 80 Gb/s arrayed CMOS silicon photonic transceivers for WDM optical links
X Zheng, F Liu, J Lexau, D Patil, G Li, Y Luo, HD Thacker, I Shubin, J Yao, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 30 (4), 641-650, 2011
Efficient WDM laser sources towards terabyte/s silicon photonic interconnects
X Zheng, S Lin, Y Luo, J Yao, G Li, SS Djordjevic, JH Lee, HD Thacker, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 31 (24), 4142-4154, 2013
High power and widely tunable Si hybrid external-cavity laser for power efficient Si photonics WDM links
JH Lee, I Shubin, J Yao, J Bickford, Y Luo, S Lin, SS Djordjevic, ...
Optics express 22 (7), 7678-7685, 2014
Improving CMOS-compatible Germanium photodetectors
G Li, Y Luo, X Zheng, G Masini, A Mekis, S Sahni, H Thacker, J Yao, ...
Optics express 20 (24), 26345-26350, 2012
A sub-picojoule-per-bit CMOS photonic receiver for densely integrated systems
X Zheng, F Liu, D Patil, H Thacker, Y Luo, T Pinguet, A Mekis, J Yao, G Li, ...
Optics Express 18 (1), 204-211, 2010
Integration and packaging of a macrochip with silicon nanophotonic links
JE Cunningham, AV Krishnamoorthy, R Ho, I Shubin, H Thacker, J Lexau, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 17 (3), 546-558, 2011
Plasmonically Induced Absorption and Transparency Based on MIM Waveguides With Concentric Nanorings.......
Y Luo, X Zheng, S Lin, J Yao, H Thacker, I Shubin, JE Cunningham, ...
Three-dimensional macro-chip including optical interconnects
J Yao, X Zheng, AV Krishnamoorthy, JE Cunningham
US Patent 8,267,583, 2012
Bandwidth-tunable add–drop filters based on micro-electro-mechanical-system actuated silicon microtoroidal resonators
J Yao, MC Wu
Optics letters 34 (17), 2557-2559, 2009
Ultra-low power arrayed CMOS silicon photonic transceivers for an 80 Gbps WDM optical link
X Zheng, F Liu, J Lexau, D Patil, G Li, Y Luo, H Thacker, I Shubin, J Yao, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC/NFOEC), 2011 and …, 2011
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