Noboru Babaguchi
Noboru Babaguchi
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Event based indexing of broadcasted sports video by intermodal collaboration
N Babaguchi, Y Kawai, T Kitahashi
IEEE transactions on Multimedia 4 (1), 68-75, 2002
Personalized abstraction of broadcasted American football video by highlight selection
N Babaguchi, Y Kawai, T Ogura, T Kitahashi
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 6 (4), 575-586, 2004
PriSurv: Privacy protected video surveillance system using adaptive visual abstraction
K Chinomi, N Nitta, Y Ito, N Babaguchi
Advances in Multimedia Modeling: 14th International Multimedia Modeling …, 2008
Model inversion attack by integration of deep generative models: Privacy-sensitive face generation from a face recognition system
M Khosravy, K Nakamura, Y Hirose, N Nitta, N Babaguchi
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 17, 357-372, 2022
Privacy protecting visual processing for secure video surveillance
X Yu, K Chinomi, T Koshimizu, N Nitta, Y Ito, N Babaguchi
2008 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1672-1675, 2008
Intermodal collaboration: A strategy for semantic content analysis for broadcasted sports video
N Babaguchi, N Nitta
Proceedings 2003 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No …, 2003
Video summarization for large sports video archives
Y Takahashi, N Nitta, N Babaguchi
2005 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 1170-1173, 2005
Linking live and replay scenes in broadcasted sports video
N Babaguchi, Y Kawai, Y Yasugi, T Kitahashi
Proceedings of the 2000 ACM workshops on Multimedia, 205-208, 2000
Watermarked movie soundtrack finds the position of the camcorder in a theater
Y Nakashima, R Tachibana, N Babaguchi
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 11 (3), 443-454, 2009
Towards abstracting sports video by highlights
N Babaguchi
2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME2000 …, 2000
Factors on the sense of privacy in video surveillance
T Koshimizu, T Toriyama, N Babaguchi
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM workshop on Continuous archival and retrival of …, 2006
Connectionist model binarization
N Babaguchi, K Yamada, K Kise, Y Tezuka
International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence 5 …, 1991
Generation of personalized abstract of sports video
N Babaguchi, Y Kawai, T Kitahashi
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2001. ICME 2001., 158-158, 2001
Automatic Story Segmentation of Closed-Caption Text for Semantic Content Analysis of Broadcasted Sports Video.
N Nitta, N Babaguchi
Multimedia information systems, 110-116, 2002
Recoverable privacy protection for video content distribution
G Li, Y Ito, X Yu, N Nitta, N Babaguchi
EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2009, 1-11, 2010
Extracting actors, actions and events from sports video-a fundamental approach to story tracking
N Nitta, N Babaguchi, T Kitahashi
Pattern Recognition, International Conference on 4, 4718-4718, 2000
Unnoticeable synthetic face replacement for image privacy protection
Z Kuang, Z Guo, J Fang, J Yu, N Babaguchi, J Fan
Neurocomputing 457, 322-333, 2021
Effective de-identification generative adversarial network for face anonymization
Z Kuang, H Liu, J Yu, A Tian, L Wang, J Fan, N Babaguchi
Proceedings of the 29th ACM international conference on multimedia, 3182-3191, 2021
Model inversion attack: analysis under gray-box scenario on deep learning based face recognition system
M Khosravy, K Nakamura, Y Hirose, N Nitta, N Babaguchi
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 15 (3), 1100-1118, 2021
Facial expression preserving privacy protection using image melding
Y Nakashima, T Koyama, N Yokoya, N Babaguchi
2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 1-6, 2015
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