Stephanie Kemna
Stephanie Kemna
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Multi-robot coordination through dynamic Voronoi partitioning for informative adaptive sampling in communication-constrained environments
S Kemna, JG Rogers, C Nieto-Granda, S Young, GS Sukhatme
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2124-2130, 2017
Global assessment of innovative solutions to tackle marine litter
N Bellou, C Gambardella, K Karantzalos, J Gama Monteiro, ...
Nature Sustainability 4, 516-524, 2021
Adaptive autonomous underwater vehicles for littoral surveillance
S Kemna, MJ Hamilton, DT Hughes, KD LePage
Intelligent Service Robotics 4 (4), 245-258, 2011
Antisubmarine warfare applications for autonomous underwater vehicles: the GLINT09 sea trial results
MJ Hamilton, S Kemna, D Hughes
Journal of Field Robotics 27 (6), 890-902, 2010
Coordinating multi-robot systems through environment partitioning for adaptive informative sampling
N Fung, J Rogers, C Nieto, HI Christensen, S Kemna, G Sukhatme
2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3231-3237, 2019
Developing a user interface for the iPAM stroke rehabilitation system
S Kemna, PR Culmer, AE Jackson, S Makower, JF Gallagher, R Holt, ...
2009 IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 879-884, 2009
Adaptive informative sampling with autonomous underwater vehicles: Acoustic versus surface communications
S Kemna, DA Caron, GS Sukhatme
OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, 1-8, 2016
Personal Publication Assistant: Abstract recommendations by a cognitive model
L Van Maanen, H Van Rijn, M van Grootel, S Kemna, M Klomp, ...
Cognitive Systems Research 11 (1), 120-129, 2010
Sensible behaviour strategies for AUVs in ASW scenarios
DT Hughes, S Kemna, M Hamilton, R Been
OCEANS 2010 IEEE-Sydney, 1-7, 2010
Collaborative multistatic ASW using AUVs: demonstrating necessary technologies
DT Hughes, F Baralli, S Kemna, M Hamilton, A Vermeij
MAST, 2009
Pilot Surveys for Adaptive Informative Sampling
S Kemna, O Kroemer, GS Sukhatme
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 6417-6424, 2018
On-board Adaptive Informative Sampling for AUVs: a Feasibility Study
S Kemna, HK Heidarsson, GS Sukhatme
MTS/IEEE Oceans, 2018
Constraint-induced formation switching for adaptive environmental sampling
S Kemna, DA Caron, GS Sukhatme
MTS/IEEE Oceans'15 Genova, 2015
Multi-Robot Strategies for Adaptive Sampling with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
S Kemna
University of Southern California, 2018
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for Active Multistatic Undersea Surveillance
KD LePage, M Hamilton, S Kemna
Detection of objects on the ocean surface from a UAV with visual and thermal cameras: A machine learning approach
OT Arnegaard, FS Leira, HH Helgesen, S Kemna, TA Johansen, ...
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2021
Adaptive sampling: Algorithmic vs. human waypoint selection
S Kemna, S Kangaslahti, O Kroemer, GS Sukhatme
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.11962, 2021
On-Line Coordination Tasks for Multi-robot Systems Using Adaptive Informative Sampling
C Nieto-Granda, JG Rogers III, N Fung, S Kemna, HI Christensen, ...
International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, 318-327, 2018
On-line AUV Survey Planning for Finding Safe Vessel Paths through Hazardous Environments
C Denniston, TR Krogstad, S Kemna, GS Sukhatme
AUV, 2018
Surfacing strategies for multi-robot adaptive informative sampling with a surface-based data hub
S Kemna, GS Sukhatme
MTS/IEEE Oceans, 2018
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