Emmanuel Lévêque
Emmanuel Lévêque
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Universal scaling laws in fully developed turbulence
ZS She, E Leveque
Physical review letters 72 (3), 336, 1994
Shear-improved Smagorinsky model for large-eddy simulation of wall-bounded turbulent flows
E Lévêque, F Toschi, L Shao, JP Bertoglio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 570, 491-502, 2007
Experimental and numerical study of the Lagrangian dynamics of high Reynolds turbulence
N Mordant, E Lévêque, JF Pinton
New Journal of Physics 6 (1), 116, 2004
Universal intermittent properties of particle trajectories in highly turbulent flows
A Arnéodo, R Benzi, J Berg, L Biferale, E Bodenschatz, A Busse, ...
Physical Review Letters 100 (25), 254504, 2008
Long time correlations in Lagrangian dynamics: a key to intermittency in turbulence
N Mordant, J Delour, E Léveque, A Arnéodo, JF Pinton
Physical review letters 89 (25), 254502, 2002
Acceleration statistics of finite-sized particles in turbulent flow: the role of Faxén forces
E Calzavarini, R Volk, M Bourgoin, E Lévêque, JF Pinton, F Toschi
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 630, 179-189, 2009
Lagrangian velocity statistics in turbulent flows: effects of dissipation
L Chevillard, SG Roux, E Lévêque, N Mordant, JF Pinton, A Arnéodo
Physical review letters 91 (21), 214502, 2003
Dynamics of inertial particles in a turbulent von Kármán flow
R Volk, E Calzavarini, E Leveque, JF Pinton
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 668, 223-235, 2011
Unified multifractal description of velocity increments statistics in turbulence: Intermittency and skewness
L Chevillard, B Castaing, E Lévêque, A Arnéodo
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 218 (1), 77-82, 2006
Direct and large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows on composite multi-resolution grids by the lattice Boltzmann method
H Touil, D Ricot, E Lévêque
Journal of Computational Physics 256, 220-233, 2014
Energy cascade and the four-fifths law in superfluid turbulence
J Salort, B Chabaud, E Lévêque, PE Roche
Europhysics Letters 97 (3), 34006, 2012
Shear effects in nonhomogeneous turbulence
F Toschi, E Leveque, G Ruiz-Chavarria
Physical Review Letters 85 (7), 1436, 2000
Quantum turbulence at finite temperature: The two-fluids cascade
PE Roche, CF Barenghi, E Lévêque
Europhysics Letters 87 (5), 54006, 2009
On the rapid increase of intermittency in the near-dissipation range of fully developed turbulence
L Chevillard, B Castaing, E Lévêque
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 45 (4 …, 2005
A phenomenological theory of Eulerian and Lagrangian velocity fluctuations in turbulent flows
L Chevillard, B Castaing, A Arneodo, E Lévêque, JF Pinton, SG Roux
Comptes Rendus Physique 13 (9-10), 899-928, 2012
Intermittency of velocity time increments in turbulence
L Chevillard, SG Roux, E Lévêque, N Mordant, JF Pinton, A Arnéodo
Physical review letters 95 (6), 064501, 2005
Prevalence of the sling effect for enhancing collision rates in turbulent suspensions
M Voßkuhle, A Pumir, E Lévêque, M Wilkinson
Journal of fluid mechanics 749, 841-852, 2014
Smoothing algorithms for mean-flow extraction in large-eddy simulation of complex turbulent flows
A Cahuzac, J Boudet, P Borgnat, E Lévêque
Physics of fluids 22 (12), 2010
Scaling properties of the streamwise component of velocity in a turbulent boundary layer
G Ruiz-Chavarria, S Ciliberto, C Baudet, E Lévêque
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 141 (3-4), 183-198, 2000
Lagrangian velocity fluctuations in fully developed turbulence: scaling, intermittency, and dynamics
N Mordant, J Delour, E Léveque, O Michel, A Arnéodo, JF Pinton
Journal of Statistical Physics 113, 701-717, 2003
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