Minos: Control data attack prevention orthogonal to memory model JR Crandall, FT Chong 37th International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-37'04), 221-232, 2004 | 671 | 2004 |
On deriving unknown vulnerabilities from zero-day polymorphic and metamorphic worm exploits JR Crandall, Z Su, SF Wu, FT Chong Proceedings of the 12th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2005 | 259 | 2005 |
ConceptDoppler: a weather tracker for internet censorship. JR Crandall, D Zinn, M Byrd, ET Barr, R East CCS 7, 352-365, 2007 | 192 | 2007 |
Analyzing the Great Firewall of China over space and time R Ensafi, P Winter, A Mueen, JR Crandall Proceedings on privacy enhancing technologies, 2015 | 168 | 2015 |
Temporal search: Detecting hidden malware timebombs with virtual machines JR Crandall, G Wassermann, DAS De Oliveira, Z Su, SF Wu, FT Chong ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 40 (5), 25-36, 2006 | 123 | 2006 |
Empirical study of a national-scale distributed intrusion detection system: Backbone-level filtering of HTML responses in China JC Park, JR Crandall 2010 IEEE 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2010 | 94 | 2010 |
Minos: Architectural support for protecting control data JR Crandall, SF Wu, FT Chong ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 3 (4), 359-389, 2006 | 86 | 2006 |
ExecRecorder: VM-based full-system replay for attack analysis and system recovery DAS De Oliveira, JR Crandall, G Wassermann, SF Wu, Z Su, FT Chong Proceedings of the 1st workshop on Architectural and system support for …, 2006 | 83 | 2006 |
Detecting intentional packet drops on the Internet via TCP/IP side channels R Ensafi, J Knockel, G Alexander, JR Crandall Passive and Active Measurement: 15th International Conference, PAM 2014, Los …, 2014 | 82 | 2014 |
Synchroscalar: A multiple clock domain, power-aware, tile-based embedded processor J Oliver, R Rao, P Sultana, J Crandall, E Czernikowski, LW Jones IV, ... ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 32 (2), 150, 2004 | 80 | 2004 |
Idle port scanning and non-interference analysis of network protocol stacks using model checking R Ensafi, JC Park, D Kapur, JR Crandall 19th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 10), 2010 | 78 | 2010 |
Experiences using Minos as a tool for capturing and analyzing novel worms for unknown vulnerabilities JR Crandall, SF Wu, FT Chong Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: Second …, 2005 | 75 | 2005 |
Every rose has its thorn: Censorship and surveillance on social video platforms in china J Knockel, M Crete-Nishihata, JQ Ng, A Senft, JR Crandall 5th USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI 15), 2015 | 61 | 2015 |
Three Researchers, Five Conjectures: An Empirical Analysis of {TOM-Skype} Censorship and Surveillance J Knockel, JR Crandall, J Saia USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI 11), 2011 | 58 | 2011 |
We chat, they watch: How international users unwittingly build up WeChat’s Chinese censorship apparatus J Knockel, C Parsons, L Ruan, R Xiong, J Crandall, R Deibert | 52 | 2020 |
OpenVPN is open to VPN fingerprinting D Xue, R Ramesh, A Jain, M Kallitsis, JA Halderman, JR Crandall, ... Communications of the ACM 68 (1), 79-87, 2025 | 48 | 2025 |
Chat program censorship and surveillance in China: Tracking TOM-Skype and Sina UC JR Crandall, M Crete-Nishihata, J Knockel, S McKune, A Senft, D Tseng, ... First Monday, 2013 | 48 | 2013 |
Minos: Architectural support for software security through control data integrity JR Crandall, F Chong International Symposium on Microarchitecture 104, 2004 | 35 | 2004 |
TSPU: Russia's decentralized censorship system D Xue, B Mixon-Baca, ValdikSS, A Ablove, B Kujath, JR Crandall, ... Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Internet Measurement Conference, 179-194, 2022 | 33 | 2022 |
Original SYN: Finding machines hidden behind firewalls X Zhang, J Knockel, JR Crandall 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 720-728, 2015 | 31 | 2015 |