Myunseok Cheon
Myunseok Cheon
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Solving mixed integer bilinear problems using MILP formulations
A Gupte, S Ahmed, MS Cheon, S Dey
SIAM Journal on Optimization 23 (2), 721-744, 2013
MIRPLib–A library of maritime inventory routing problem instances: Survey, core model, and benchmark results
DJ Papageorgiou, GL Nemhauser, J Sokol, MS Cheon, AB Keha
European Journal of Operational Research 235 (2), 350-366, 2014
Relaxations and discretizations for the pooling problem
A Gupte, S Ahmed, SS Dey, MS Cheon
Journal of Global Optimization 67, 631-669, 2017
An MILP-MINLP decomposition method for the global optimization of a source based model of the multiperiod blending problem
I Lotero, F Trespalacios, IE Grossmann, DJ Papageorgiou, MS Cheon
Computers & Chemical Engineering 87, 13-35, 2016
A branch-reduce-cut algorithm for the global optimization of probabilistically constrained linear programs
MS Cheon, S Ahmed, F Al-Khayyal
Mathematical Programming 108, 617-634, 2006
Estimation of directed acyclic graphs through two-stage adaptive lasso for gene network inference
SW Han, G Chen, MS Cheon, H Zhong
Journal of the American Statistical Association 111 (515), 1004-1019, 2016
Approximate dynamic programming for a class of long-horizon maritime inventory routing problems
DJ Papageorgiou, MS Cheon, G Nemhauser, J Sokol
Transportation Science 49 (4), 870-885, 2015
Flexible solutions to maritime inventory routing problems with delivery time windows
C Zhang, G Nemhauser, J Sokol, MS Cheon, A Keha
Computers & Operations Research 89, 153-162, 2018
Recent progress using matheuristics for strategic maritime inventory routing
DJ Papageorgiou, MS Cheon, S Harwood, F Trespalacios, ...
Modeling, computing and data handling methodologies for maritime …, 2018
A modeling framework for railcar fleet sizing in the chemical industry
MS Cheon, KC Furman, TD Shaffer
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 51 (29), 9825-9834, 2012
Derivative-free optimization for chemical product design
Y Sun, NV Sahinidis, A Sundaram, MS Cheon
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 27, 98-106, 2020
Robust inventory routing with flexible time window allocation
C Zhang, G Nemhauser, J Sokol, MS Cheon, D Papageorgiou
Available on Optimization Online, 2015
Global optimization of monotonic programs: Applications in polynomial and stochastic programming
MS Cheon
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005
Pooling problems: relaxations and discretizations
A Gupte, S Ahmed, SS Dey, MS Cheon
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of …, 2013
Graph structured sparse subset selection
H Do, MS Cheon, SB Kim
Information Sciences 518, 71-94, 2020
Pooling problems: an overview
A Gupte, S Ahmed, S Dey, M Cheon
Optimization and Analytics in the Oil and Gas Industry, International Series …, 2015
An outer-approximation guided optimization approach for constrained neural network inverse problems
MS Cheon
Mathematical Programming 196 (1), 173-202, 2022
MIRPLib: A maritime inventory routing problem library
DJ Papageorgiou, MS Cheon, AB Keha, GL Nemhauser, J Sokol
Submitted, 2012
Methods and systems for field development decision optimization
KH Liu, MH Kovalski, MS Cheon, X Wu
US Patent App. 16/785,855, 2020
Raw material evaluation process
DJ Papageorgiou, F Trespalacios, S Kameswaran, MS Cheon, ...
US Patent App. 16/705,899, 2020
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