Mikhail Fistul
Mikhail Fistul
Senior scientist, Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Technogies, National University of
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Superinsulator and quantum synchronization
VM Vinokur, TI Baturina, MV Fistul, AY Mironov, MR Baklanov, C Strunk
Nature 452 (7187), 613-615, 2008
Quantum dynamics of a single vortex
A Wallraff, A Lukashenko, J Lisenfeld, A Kemp, MV Fistul, Y Koval, ...
Nature 425 (6954), 155-158, 2003
Circuit quantum electrodynamics of granular aluminum resonators
N Maleeva, L Grünhaupt, T Klein, F Levy-Bertrand, O Dupre, M Calvo, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3889, 2018
Effect of radiation on transport in graphene
SV Syzranov, MV Fistul, KB Efetov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (4), 045407, 2008
Conversion of self-assembled monolayers into nanocrystalline graphene: structure and electric transport
A Turchanin, D Weber, M Büenfeld, C Kisielowski, MV Fistul, KB Efetov, ...
ACS nano 5 (5), 3896-3904, 2011
Fano resonances with discrete breathers
S Flach, AE Miroshnichenko, V Fleurov, MV Fistul
Physical review letters 90 (8), 084101, 2003
Broken symmetries and directed collective energy transport in spatially extended systems
S Flach, Y Zolotaryuk, AE Miroshnichenko, MV Fistul
Physical review letters 88 (18), 184101, 2002
Electromagnetic-Field-Induced Suppression of Transport through Junctions in Graphene
MV Fistul, KB Efetov
Physical review letters 98 (25), 256803, 2007
Collective Cooper-pair transport in the insulating state of Josephson-junction arrays
MV Fistul, VM Vinokur, TI Baturina
Physical review letters 100 (8), 086805, 2008
Giant persistent photoconductivity in monolayer MoS2 field-effect transistors
A George, MV Fistul, M Gruenewald, D Kaiser, T Lehnert, R Mupparapu, ...
npj 2D Materials and Applications 5 (1), 15, 2021
Multistability and switching in a superconducting metamaterial
P Jung, S Butz, M Marthaler, MV Fistul, J Leppäkangas, VP Koshelets, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3730, 2014
Annular long Josephson junctions in a magnetic field: engineering and probing the fluxon interaction potential
A Wallraff, Y Koval, M Levitchev, MV Fistul, AV Ustinov
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 118, 543-553, 2000
Anderson localization in generalized discrete-time quantum walks
I Vakulchyk, MV Fistul, P Qin, S Flach
Physical Review B 96 (14), 144204, 2017
Hopping conductivity of metal-semiconductor metal contacts
AV Tartakovskii, MV Fistul, ME Raikh, IM Ruzin
Soviet Physics Semiconductors-USSR 21 (4), 370-373, 1987
Wave packet spreading with disordered nonlinear discrete-time quantum walks
I Vakulchyk, MV Fistul, S Flach
Physical review letters 122 (4), 040501, 2019
Breathers in Josephson junction ladders: Resonances and electromagnetic wave spectroscopy
AE Miroshnichenko, S Flach, MV Fistul, Y Zolotaryuk, JB Page
Physical Review E 64 (6), 066601, 2001
Quantum dissociation of a vortex-antivortex pair in a long Josephson junction
MV Fistul, A Wallraff, Y Koval, A Lukashenko, BA Malomed, AV Ustinov
Physical review letters 91 (25), 257004, 2003
Phase dependence of the Josephson current in inhomogeneous high- grain-boundary junctions
E Il’ichev, V Zakosarenko, RPJ IJsselsteijn, HE Hoenig, HG Meyer, ...
Physical review B 59 (17), 11502, 1999
Resonant tunneling in superconductor-semiconductor-superconductor junctions
LG Aslamazov, MV Fistul
Sov. Phys.-JETP (Engl. Transl.);(United States) 56 (3), 1982
Characterization of superconducting structures designed for qubit realizations
E Il’ichev, T Wagner, L Fritzsch, J Kunert, V Schultze, T May, HE Hoenig, ...
Applied physics letters 80 (22), 4184-4186, 2002
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