Wanderley Cardoso Celeste
Wanderley Cardoso Celeste
Professor of Electric Engineering, Federal University of Espírito Santo
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An adaptive dynamic controller for autonomous mobile robot trajectory tracking
FN Martins, WC Celeste, R Carelli, M Sarcinelli-Filho, TF Bastos-Filho
Control engineering practice 16 (11), 1354-1363, 2008
Human-machine interfaces based on EMG and EEG applied to robotic systems
A Ferreira, WC Celeste, FA Cheein, TF Bastos-Filho, M Sarcinelli-Filho, ...
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 5, 1-15, 2008
An Artificial Intelligence based scheduling algorithm for demand-side energy management in Smart Homes
HRO Rocha, IH Honorato, R Fiorotti, WC Celeste, LJ Silvestre, JAL Silva
Applied Energy 282, 116145, 2021
Brain-computer interface based on visual evoked potentials to command autonomous robotic wheelchair
SMT Müller, WC Celeste, TF Bastos-Filho, M Sarcinelli-Filho
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 30 (6), 407-415, 2010
Towards a new modality-independent interface for a robotic wheelchair
TF Bastos-Filho, FA Cheein, SMT Müller, WC Celeste, C De La Cruz, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 22 (3 …, 2013
Human–machine interface based on muscular and brain signals applied to a robotic wheelchair
A Ferreira, RL Silva, WC Celeste, TF Bastos Filho, M Sarcinelli Filho
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 90 (1), 012094, 2007
Human-machine interface based on electro-biological signals for mobile vehicles
AF Neto, WC Celeste, VR Martins, TF Bastos Filho, M Sarcinelli Filho
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 4, 2954-2959, 2006
A robust navigation system for robotic wheelchairs
C De La Cruz, WC Celeste, TF Bastos
Control engineering practice 19 (6), 575-590, 2011
Forecast of distributed electrical generation system capacity based on seasonal micro generators using ELM and PSO
HRO Rocha, LJ Silvestre, WC Celeste, DJC Coura, LOR Junior
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (4), 1136-1141, 2018
Demand planning in smart homes
JT Flores, WC Celeste, DJC Coura, S das Dores Rissino, HRO Rocha, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (7), 3247-3255, 2016
Net zero energy cost building system design based on artificial intelligence
HRO Rocha, R Fiorotti, DM Louzada, LJ Silvestre, WC Celeste, JAL Silva
Applied Energy 355, 122348, 2024
Kinematic and adaptive dynamic trajectory tracking controller for mobile robots
FN Martins, WC Celeste, R Carelli, M Sarcinelli Filho, TF Bastos Filho
Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Advances in Vehicle Control and Safety …, 2007
A robust adaptive path-following controller for a robotic wheelchair
WC Celeste, TF Bastos-Filho, M Sarcinelli-Filho, C De La Cruz, R Carelli
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 24, 397-408, 2013
Maps managing interface design for a mobile robot navigation governed by a BCI
FAA Cheeín, R Carelli, WC Celeste, TF Bastos, F Di Sciascio
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 90 (1), 012088, 2007
Eficiência energética na iluminação pública urbana: revisão bibliográfica dos equipamentos e tecnologias
DM Bernades, WC Celeste, GLD Chaves
Research, Society and Development 9 (7), e606973957-e606973957, 2020
Desafios Para Implementação da Geração Distribuída de Energia no Brasil: Uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura
FJ Soccol, AL Pereira, WC Celeste, DJC Coura, GLD Chaves
Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering 2 (3), 31-43, 2016
Case study: Cognitive control of a robotic wheelchair
T Freire-Bastos, M Sarcinelli, A Ferreira, W Celeste, R Silva, V Martins, ...
Wearable Robots: Biomechatronic Exoskeletons, 315-319, 2008
Identification of similar loads for electric power management in smart grid
RKS Barcelos, WC Celeste, LOR Júnior, GLD Chaves
IEEE Latin America Transactions 17 (08), 1318-1325, 2019
Human-machine interface based on emg and eeg signals applied to a robotic wheelchair
TF Bastos Filho, A Ferreira, R Silva, WC Celeste, M Sarcinelli
Journal of Physics Conference Series 1 (1), 012094-8, 2007
Classificação Inteligente Aplicada ao Problema de Identificação de Cargas Elétricas “Idênticas”
A Paixao, WC Celeste, LO Rigo Jr, D Coura, H Rocha, S Rissino
Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, Anais do XLVIII SBPO, 2016
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