Xiaojian SHAO
Xiaojian SHAO
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Genetic drivers of epigenetic and transcriptional variation in human immune cells
L Chen, B Ge, FP Casale, L Vasquez, T Kwan, D Garrido-Martín, S Watt, ...
Cell 167 (5), 1398-1414. e24, 2016
iSNO-AAPair: incorporating amino acid pairwise coupling into PseAAC for predicting cysteine S-nitrosylation sites in proteins
Y Xu, XJ Shao, LY Wu, NY Deng, KC Chou
PeerJ 1, e171, 2013
iHyd-PseAAC: predicting hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine in proteins by incorporating dipeptide position-specific propensity into pseudo amino acid composition
Y Xu, X Wen, XJ Shao, NY Deng, KC Chou
International journal of molecular sciences 15 (5), 7594-7610, 2014
GenPipes: an open-source framework for distributed and scalable genomic analyses
M Bourgey, R Dali, R Eveleigh, KC Chen, L Letourneau, J Fillon, ...
Gigascience 8 (6), giz037, 2019
Aging-like spontaneous epigenetic silencing facilitates Wnt activation, stemness, and BrafV600E-induced tumorigenesis
Y Tao, B Kang, DA Petkovich, YR Bhandari, J In, G Stein-O'Brien, X Kong, ...
Cancer cell 35 (2), 315-328. e6, 2019
Genome-wide analysis of differential transcriptional and epigenetic variability across human immune cell types
S Ecker, L Chen, V Pancaldi, FO Bagger, JM Fernández, ...
Genome biology 18, 1-17, 2017
Characterization of functional methylomes by next-generation capture sequencing identifies novel disease-associated variants
F Allum, X Shao, F Guénard, MM Simon, S Busche, M Caron, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7211, 2015
Functional variation in allelic methylomes underscores a strong genetic contribution and reveals novel epigenetic alterations in the human epigenome
WA Cheung, X Shao, A Morin, V Siroux, T Kwan, B Ge, D Aïssi, L Chen, ...
Genome biology 18, 1-21, 2017
Population whole-genome bisulfite sequencing across two tissues highlights the environment as the principal source of human methylome variation
S Busche, X Shao, M Caron, T Kwan, F Allum, WA Cheung, B Ge, ...
Genome biology 16, 1-18, 2015
The dynamics of DNA methylation fidelity during mouse embryonic stem cell self-renewal and differentiation
L Zhao, M Sun, Z Li, X Bai, M Yu, M Wang, L Liang, X Shao, S Arnovitz, ...
Genome research 24 (8), 1296-1307, 2014
Predicting DNA-and RNA-binding proteins from sequences with kernel methods
X Shao, Y Tian, L Wu, Y Wang, L Jing, N Deng
Journal of Theoretical Biology 258 (2), 289-293, 2009
The impact of lockdown timing on COVID-19 transmission across US counties
X Huang, X Shao, L Xing, Y Hu, DD Sin, X Zhang
EClinicalMedicine 38, 2021
Prediction of posttranslational modification sites from amino acid sequences with kernel methods
Y Xu, X Wang, Y Wang, Y Tian, X Shao, LY Wu, N Deng
Journal of theoretical biology 344, 78-87, 2014
An incremental learning algorithm for Lagrangian support vector machines
H Duan, X Shao, W Hou, G He, Q Zeng
Pattern recognition letters 30 (15), 1384-1391, 2009
High-resolution analyses of human sperm dynamic methylome reveal thousands of novel age-related epigenetic alterations
M Cao, X Shao, P Chan, W Cheung, T Kwan, T Pastinen, B Robaire
Clinical epigenetics 12, 1-16, 2020
Gene expression variations are predictive for stochastic noise
D Dong, X Shao, N Deng, Z Zhang
Nucleic acids research 39 (2), 403-413, 2011
Systematic DNA methylation analysis of multiple cell lines reveals common and specific patterns within and across tissues of origin
X Yang, X Shao, L Gao, S Zhang
Human molecular genetics 24 (15), 4374-4384, 2015
Optimizing ChIP-seq peak detectors using visual labels and supervised machine learning
TD Hocking, P Goerner-Potvin, A Morin, X Shao, T Pastinen, G Bourque
Bioinformatics 33 (4), 491-499, 2017
A regression framework incorporating quantitative and negative interaction data improves quantitative prediction of PDZ domain–peptide interaction from primary sequence
X Shao, CSH Tan, C Voss, SSC Li, N Deng, GD Bader
Bioinformatics 27 (3), 383-390, 2011
Whole-genome sequencing of H3K4me3 and DNA methylation in human sperm reveals regions of overlap linked to fertility and development
R Lambrot, D Chan, X Shao, M Aarabi, T Kwan, G Bourque, S Moskovtsev, ...
Cell Reports 36 (3), 2021
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