Lieven Verschaffel
Lieven Verschaffel
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Making sense of word problems
L Verschaffel
Swets & Zeitlinger, 2000
Pedagogical content knowledge: A systematic review of the way in which the concept has pervaded mathematics educational research
F Depaepe, L Verschaffel, G Kelchtermans
Teaching and teacher education 34, 12-25, 2013
Working memory and individual differences in mathematics achievement: A longitudinal study from first grade to second grade
B De Smedt, R Janssen, K Bouwens, L Verschaffel, B Boets, ...
Journal of experimental child psychology 103 (2), 186-201, 2009
Realistic considerations in mathematical modeling of school arithmetic word problems
L Verschaffel, E De Corte, S Lasure
Learning and instruction 4 (4), 273-294, 1994
Learning to solve mathematical application problems: A design experiment with fifth graders
L Verschaffel, E De Corte, S Lasure, G Van Vaerenbergh, H Bogaerts, ...
Mathematical thinking and learning 1 (3), 195-229, 1999
Framing students’ mathematics-related beliefs: A quest for conceptual clarity and a comprehensive categorization
P Op’t Eynde, E De Corte, L Verschaffel
Beliefs: A hidden variable in mathematics education?, 13-37, 2002
Whole number concepts and operations
L Verschaffel, B Greer, E De Corte
Information Age Publishing; Charlotte, NC, 2007
The predictive value of numerical magnitude comparison for individual differences in mathematics achievement
B De Smedt, L Verschaffel, P Ghesquière
Journal of experimental child psychology 103 (4), 469-479, 2009
Mathematics teaching and learning
E De Corte, B Greer, L Verschaffel
Handbook of educational psychology 1, 491-549, 1996
Influence of rewording verbal problems on children's problem representations and solutions.
E De Corte, L Verschaffel, L De Win
Journal of educational psychology 77 (4), 460, 1985
Word problems in mathematics education: A survey
L Verschaffel, S Schukajlow, J Star, W Van Dooren
Zdm 52, 1-16, 2020
Conceptualizing, investigating, and enhancing adaptive expertise in elementary mathematics education
L Verschaffel, K Luwel, J Torbeyns, W Van Dooren
European Journal of Psychology of Education 24, 335-359, 2009
Self-regulation: A characteristic and a goal of mathematics education
E De Corte, L Verschaffel, P Op't Eynde
Handbook of self-regulation, 687-726, 2000
The effect of semantic structure on first graders' strategies for solving addition and subtraction word problems
E De Corte, L Verschaffel
Journal for research in mathematics education 18 (5), 363-381, 1987
Teaching realistic mathematical modeling in the elementary school: A teaching experiment with fifth graders
L Verschaffel, E De Corte
Journal for Research in mathematics education 28 (5), 577-601, 1997
Extending the conceptual change approach to mathematics learning and teaching.
S Vosniadou, L Verschaffel
Elsevier Science, 2004
“Accepting emotional complexity”: A socio-constructivist perspective on the role of emotions in the mathematics classroom
PO Eynde, ED Corte, L Verschaffel
Educational Studies in Mathematics 63, 193-207, 2006
Pre-service teachers' conceptions and beliefs about the role of real-world knowledge in mathematical modelling of school word problems
L Verschaffel, E De Corte, I Borghart
Learning and Instruction 7 (4), 339-359, 1997
Improper use of linear reasoning: An in-depth study of the nature and the irresistibility of secondary school students' errors
D De Bock, W Van Dooren, D Janssens, L Verschaffel
Educational studies in mathematics 50, 311-334, 2002
The CLIA-model: A framework for designing powerful learning environments for thinking and problem solving
E De Corte, L Verschaffel, C Masui
European journal of psychology of education 19, 365-384, 2004
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