Shruti Sanadhya
Shruti Sanadhya
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Asymmetric caching: improved network deduplication for mobile devices
S Sanadhya, R Sivakumar, KH Kim, P Congdon, S Lakshmanan, ...
Proceedings of the 18th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2012
ViFi: virtualizing WLAN using commodity hardware
K Guo, S Sanadhya, T Woo
Proceedings of the 9th ACM workshop on Mobility in the evolving internet …, 2014
On link rate adaptation in 802.11 n WLANs
S Lakshmanan, S Sanadhya, R Sivakumar
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 366-370, 2011
Exbox: Experience management middlebox for wireless networks
A Chakraborty, S Sanadhya, SR Das, D Kim, KH Kim
Proceedings of the 12th International on Conference on emerging Networking …, 2016
Adaptive flow control for TCP on mobile phones
S Sanadhya, R Sivakumar
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 2912-2920, 2011
A super-aggregation strategy for multi-homed mobile hosts with heterogeneous wireless interfaces
CL Tsao, S Sanadhya, R Sivakumar
Wireless Networks 21 (2), 639-658, 2015
Occupancy sensing
I Pefkianakis, A Parate, S Sanadhya
US Patent 10,708,154, 2020
Resource predictors indicative of predicted resource usage
K Habak, S Sanadhya, DG Gelb, KH Kim
US Patent App. 15/539,234, 2017
Pulsar: Improving throughput estimation in enterprise LTE small cells
UP Moravapalle, S Sanadhya, A Parate, KH Kim
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments …, 2015
Scalable Ground-Truth Annotation for Video QoE Modeling in Enterprise WiFi
M Dasari, S Sanadhya, C Vlachou, KH Kim, SR Das
2018 IEEE/ACM 26th International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 1-6, 2018
Precog: action-based time-shifted prefetching for web applications on mobile devices
S Sanadhya, UP Moravapalle, KH Kim, R Sivakumar
proceedings of the fifth ACM/IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and …, 2017
Estimating video quality of experience
M Dasari, S Sanadhya, C Vlachou, K Kim
US Patent App. 15/884,857, 2019
Determining whether a flow is to be added to a network
A Chakraborty, S Sanadhya, KH Kim
US Patent 10,271,240, 2019
Rethinking TCP flow control for smartphones and tablets
S Sanadhya, R Sivakumar
Wireless networks 20 (7), 2063-2080, 2014
Determining whether a flow is to be added to a network
A Chakraborty, S Sanadhya, KH Kim
US Patent 11,134,409, 2021
Device throughput determination
UP Moravapalle, S Sanadhya, A Parate, K Kim
US Patent 10,652,756, 2020
Ultra-Mobile Computing: Adapting Network Protocol and Algorithms for Smartphones and Tablets
S Sanadhya
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013
Handcrafted vs Deep Learning Classification for Scalable Video QoE Modeling
D Mallesham, C Vlachou, S Sanadhya, P Sahu, Y Qiu, KH Kim, SR Das
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.03404, 2019
Handcrafted vs Deep Learning Classification for Scalable Video QoE Modeling
M Dasari, C Vlachou, S Sanadhya, P Sahu, Y Qiu, KH Kim, SR Das
CoRR, 2019
Precog: Action-Based Time-Shifted Prefetching for Web Applications on Mobile Devices
UP Moravapalle, S Sanadhya, KH Kim, R Sivakumar
ACM/IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies (HotWeb), 2017
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