Christopher Lee Dembia
Christopher Lee Dembia
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OpenSim: Simulating musculoskeletal dynamics and neuromuscular control to study human and animal movement
A Seth, JL Hicks, TK Uchida, A Habib, CL Dembia, JJ Dunne, CF Ong, ...
PLoS computational biology 14 (7), e1006223, 2018
Full-body musculoskeletal model for muscle-driven simulation of human gait
A Rajagopal, CL Dembia, MS DeMers, DD Delp, JL Hicks, SL Delp
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 63 (10), 2068-2079, 2016
Rapid predictive simulations with complex musculoskeletal models suggest that diverse healthy and pathological human gaits can emerge from similar control strategies
A Falisse, G Serrancolí, CL Dembia, J Gillis, I Jonkers, F De Groote
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 16 (157), 20190402, 2019
Opensim moco: Musculoskeletal optimal control
CL Dembia, NA Bianco, A Falisse, JL Hicks, SL Delp
PLOS Computational Biology 16 (12), e1008493, 2020
Simulating ideal assistive devices to reduce the metabolic cost of running
TK Uchida, A Seth, S Pouya, CL Dembia, JL Hicks, SL Delp
PloS one 11 (9), e0163417, 2016
Simulating ideal assistive devices to reduce the metabolic cost of walking with heavy loads
CL Dembia, A Silder, TK Uchida, JL Hicks, SL Delp
PloS one 12 (7), e0180320, 2017
Stretching your energetic budget: how tendon compliance affects the metabolic cost of running
TK Uchida, JL Hicks, CL Dembia, SL Delp
PloS one 11 (3), e0150378, 2016
Muscle–tendon mechanics explain unexpected effects of exoskeleton assistance on metabolic rate during walking
RW Jackson, CL Dembia, SL Delp, SH Collins
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (11), 2082-2095, 2017
Subject-exoskeleton contact model calibration leads to accurate interaction force predictions
G Serrancolí, A Falisse, C Dembia, J Vantilt, K Tanghe, D Lefeber, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 27 (8 …, 2019
Algorithmic differentiation improves the computational efficiency of OpenSim-based trajectory optimization of human movement
A Falisse, G Serrancolí, CL Dembia, J Gillis, F De Groote
PLoS One 14 (10), e0217730, 2019
Foot strike pattern during running alters muscle-tendon dynamics of the gastrocnemius and the soleus
JR Yong, CL Dembia, A Silder, RW Jackson, M Fredericson, SL Delp
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 5872, 2020
Automated data analysis for consecutive images from droplet combustion experiments
CL Dembia, YC Liu, CT Avedisian
Image Analysis and Stereology 31 (3), 137-148, 2012
Bondarenko method for obtaining group cross sections in a multi-region collision probability model
CL Dembia, GD Recktenwald, MR Deinert
Progress in Nuclear Energy 67, 124-131, 2013
An object oriented implementation of the Yeadon human inertia model
C Dembia, JK Moore, M Hubbard
F1000Research 3, 223, 2015
How static optimization works
J Hicks, C Dembia
OpenSim 3. 0 Documentation, 2014
Reinforcement learning for bicycle control
B Cam, C Dembia, J Israeli
Report, 2013
Computationally efficient predictive muscle-driven simulations of 3D walking
A Falisse, G Serrancoli, C Dembia, S Song, I Jonkers, F De Groote
Proceedings of the 8th World Congr. Biomech., 2018
Simulating Assistive Technology: Insights, Tools, and Open Science
CL Dembia
Stanford University, 2020
Foot strike pattern during running alters muscle-tendon dynamics of the gastrocnemius and the soleus
JR Yong, CL Dembia, A Silder, RW Jackson, M Fredericson, SL Delp
bioRxiv, 671370, 2019
A multi-region collision probability method for determining neutron spectra and reaction rates
CL Dembia
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