Juan Reyes-Reyes
Juan Reyes-Reyes
Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico
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Analytical and numerical solutions of electrical circuits described by fractional derivatives
JF Gómez-Aguilar, H Yépez-Martínez, RF Escobar-Jiménez, ...
Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (21-22), 9079-9094, 2016
Strategic and rare elements in Cretaceous-Cenozoic cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts from seamounts in the Canary Island Seamount Province (northeastern tropical Atlantic)
E Marino, FJ González, L Somoza, R Lunar, L Ortega, JT Vázquez, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 87, 41-61, 2017
Modeling diffusive transport with a fractional derivative without singular kernel
JF Gómez-Aguilar, MG López-López, VM Alvarado-Martínez, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 447, 467-481, 2016
Tres nuevos geotermómetros mejorados de Na/K usando herramientas computacionales y geoquimiométricas: aplicación a la predicción de temperaturas de sistemas geotérmicos
L Díaz-González, E Santoyo, J Reyes-Reyes
Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas 25 (3), 465-482, 2008
Repeatability of the human eye compared to an intraoral scanner in dental shade matching
J Reyes, P Acosta, D Ventura
Heliyon 5 (7), 2019
Neural network design and model reduction approach for black box nonlinear system identification with reduced number of parameters
HMR Ugalde, JC Carmona, VM Alvarado, J Reyes-Reyes
Neurocomputing 101, 170-180, 2013
Computational cost improvement of neural network models in black box nonlinear system identification
HMR Ugalde, JC Carmona, J Reyes-Reyes, VM Alvarado, J Mantilla
Neurocomputing 166, 96-108, 2015
Performance monitoring of heat exchangers via adaptive observers
CM Astorga-Zaragoza, A Zavala-Río, VM Alvarado, RM Méndez, ...
Measurement 40 (4), 392-405, 2007
Consideraciones petrológicas y cronológicas sobre las rocas graníticas hercínicas de Galicia
F Bellido Mulas, JL Brändle, M Lasala, J Reyes
Seminario de Estudos Galegos. Area de Xeoloxía e Minería; Instituto …, 1992
Low-temperature, shallow-water hydrothermal vent mineralization following the recent submarine eruption of Tagoro volcano (El Hierro, Canary Islands)
FJ González, B Rincón-Tomás, L Somoza, E Santofimia, T Medialdea, ...
Marine Geology 430, 106333, 2020
Blood vessel detection based on fractional Hessian matrix with non-singular Mittag–Leffler Gaussian kernel
JE Solís-Pérez, JF Gómez-Aguilar, RF Escobar-Jiménez, J Reyes-Reyes
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 54, 101584, 2019
Bounded neuro-control position regulation for a geared DC motor
J Reyes-Reyes, CM Astorga-Zaragoza, M Adam-Medina, ...
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (8), 1398-1407, 2010
Balanced simplicity–accuracy neural network model families for system identification
HM Romero Ugalde, JC Carmona, J Reyes-Reyes, VM Alvarado, ...
Neural computing and applications 26, 171-186, 2015
Mechanism of pyrogallol red oxidation induced by free radicals and reactive oxidant species. A kinetic and spectroelectrochemistry study
E Atala, G Velásquez, C Vergara, C Mardones, J Reyes, RA Tapia, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 (17), 4870-4879, 2013
A simple nonlinear observer for state and unknown input estimation: DC motor applications
C Martínez-García, C Astorga-Zaragoza, V Puig, J Reyes-Reyes, ...
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 67 (4), 710-714, 2019
Temperature control of an alcoholic fermentation process through the Takagi–Sugeno modeling
AA Flores-Hernández, J Reyes-Reyes, CM Astorga-Zaragoza, ...
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 140, 320-330, 2018
An actuator fault detection and isolation method design for planar vertical take-off and landing unmanned aerial vehicle modelled as a qLPV system
G Ortiz-Torres, FR Lopez-Estrada, J Reyes-Reyes, CD Garcia-Beltran, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (5), 272-277, 2016
Análisis del modelo de asignación financiera en la atención primaria chilena: pertinencia del per-cápita actual y uso de variables en su cálculo para asegurar concordancia …
J Montero, F Poblete, A Torche, V Vargas, M Soto, L Hernández, J Reyes
Centro de Políticas Públicas Universidad Católica. Propuestas para Chile, 73-94, 2008
Descripción de un método de separación de Rb, Sr, Sm y Nd en rocas silicatadas para estudios isotópicos
J Reyes, C Villaseca, L Barbero, AJ Quejido, JF Santos
Congreso Ibérico de Geoquímica I, 46-55, 1997
Robust GPI control of a new parallel rehabilitation robot of lower extremities
H Azcaray, A Blanco, C García, M Adam, J Reyes, G Guerrero, C Guzmán
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 16, 2384-2392, 2018
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