Stephanie Lem
Stephanie Lem
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The heuristic interpretation of box plots
S Lem, P Onghena, L Verschaffel, W Van Dooren
Learning and Instruction 26, 22-35, 2013
On the misinterpretation of histograms and box plots
S Lem, P Onghena, L Verschaffel, W Van Dooren
Educational Psychology 33 (2), 155-174, 2013
Improving realistic word problem solving by using humor
W Van Dooren, S Lem, H De Wortelaer, L Verschaffel
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 53, 96-104, 2019
External representations for data distributions: In search of cognitive fit
S Lem, P Onghena, L Verschaffel, W Van Dooren
Statistics Education Research Journal 12 (1), 4-19, 2013
Using refutational text in mathematics education
S Lem, P Onghena, L Verschaffel, W Van Dooren
ZDM 49, 509-518, 2017
Combining multiple external representations and refutational text: an intervention on learning to interpret box plots
S Lem, G Kempen, E Ceulemans, P Onghena, L Verschaffel, ...
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 13, 909-926, 2015
The intuitiveness of the law of large numbers
S Lem
ZDM 47, 783-792, 2015
Examining developmental relationships between utility value, interest, and cognitive competence for college statistics students with differential self-perceived mathematics ability
C Xu, S Lem, P Onghena
Learning and Individual Differences 86, 101980, 2021
Sample size neglect problems: A critical analysis
S Lem, W Van Dooren, E Gillard, L Verschaffel
Studia Psychologica 53 (2), 123, 2011
Assessing young children’s ability to compare probabilities
AS Supply, W Van Dooren, S Lem, P Onghena
Educational Studies in Mathematics 103 (1), 27-42, 2020
Experts’ misinterpretation of box plots–A dual processing approach
S Lem, P Onghena, L Verschaffel, W Van Dooren
Psychologica Belgica 54 (4), 395, 2014
Interpreting histograms. As easy as it seems?
S Lem, P Onghena, L Verschaffel, W Van Dooren
European journal of psychology of education 29, 557-575, 2014
The power of refutational text: changing intuitions about the interpretation of box plots
S Lem, P Onghena, L Verschaffel, W Van Dooren
European Journal of Psychology of Education 32, 537-550, 2017
Refutational text and multiple external representations as a method to remediate the misinterpretation of box plots
S Lem, K Baert, E Ceulemans, P Onghena, L Verschaffel, W Van Dooren
Educational Psychology 37 (10), 1281-1300, 2017
Coordinating between histograms and box plots
S Lem, P Onghena, L Verschaffel, W Van Dooren
Proceedings of the IASE Satellite Conference 2011, 2011
Attitudes toward statistics: How do they evolve during students' curriculum and what is the relation with students' evaluation of their course?
S Lem, K Van Dessel, S Vanhoof, P Onghena
Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 10 (1), 43-60, 2011
The influence of saliency in intuitive reasoning
S Lem, W Van Dooren
Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the …, 2018
Heuristic reasoning in interpreting box plots: The influence of orientation
S Lem, C Vandebeek, P Onghena, L Verschaffel, W Van Dooren
Studia Psychologica 56 (2), 127, 2014
Teaching box plots: An intervention using refutational text and multiple external representations
S Lem, G Kempen, E Ceulemans, P Onghena, L Verschaffel, ...
Sustainability in statistics education. Proceedings of the Ninth …, 2014
Assessing Young Children’s Ability to Compare Probabilities
AS Supply, W Van Dooren, S Lem, P Onghena
Educational Studies In Mathematics 103 (1), 27-42, 2020
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