Jessica Utts
Jessica Utts
Professor of Statistics, University of California, Irvine
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Zitiert von
Risk factors and comorbidities in primary biliary cirrhosis: a controlled interview‐based study of 1032 patients
ME Gershwin, C Selmi, HJ Worman, EB Gold, M Watnik, J Utts, KD Lindor, ...
Hepatology 42 (5), 1194-1202, 2005
Seeing through statistics
JM Utts, JM Utts
Duxbury Press, 1996
A Bayesian perspective on the Bonferroni adjustment
PH Westfall, WO Johnson, JM Utts
Biometrika 84 (2), 419-427, 1997
Mind on statistics
JM Utts, RF Heckard
Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2007
Replication and meta-analysis in parapsychology
J Utts
Statistical Science 6 (4), 363-378, 1991
Predictive physiological anticipation preceding seemingly unpredictable stimuli: a meta-analysis
J Mossbridge, P Tressoldi, J Utts
Frontiers in Psychology 3, 390, 2012
What educated citizens should know about statistics and probability
J Utts
The American Statistician 57 (2), 74-79, 2003
A study comparing traditional and hybrid internet-based instruction in introductory statistics classes
J Utts, B Sommer, C Acredolo, MW Maher, HR Matthews
Journal of Statistics Education 11 (3), 2003
Distant intentionality and the feeling of being stared at: Two meta‐analyses
S Schmidt, R Schneider, J Utts, H Walach
British Journal of Psychology 95 (2), 235-247, 2004
Coup de grâce for a tough old bull:“statistically significant” expires
SH Hurlbert, RA Levine, J Utts
The American Statistician 73 (sup1), 352-357, 2019
An assessment of the evidence for psychic functioning
J Utts
Basic research in parapsychology, 110-141, 2001
Must psychologists change the way they analyze their data?
DJ Bem, J Utts, WO Johnson
American Psychological Association 101 (4), 716, 2011
Statistical issues in assessing hospital performance
AS Ash, SF Fienberg, TA Louis, SLT Normand, TA Stukel, J Utts
Guidelines for assessment and instruction in statistics education (GAISE): College report
M Aliaga, G Cobb, C Cuff, J Garfield, R Gould, R Lock, T Moore, ...
American Statistical Association, 2005
Complementary and alternative medicine use among American women: findings from The National Health Interview Survey, 2002
DM Upchurch, L Chyu, GA Greendale, J Utts, YA Bair, G Zhang, EB Gold
Journal of women's health 16 (1), 102-113, 2007
The rainbow test for lack of fit in regression
JM Utts
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 11 (24), 2801-2815, 1982
Decision Augmentation eory: Toward a Model of Anomalous Mental Phenomena1
EC May, JM Utts, SJP Spottiswoode
The Star Gate Archives: Reports of the United States Government Sponsored …, 2019
What is statistics?
CJ Wild, JM Utts, NJ Horton
International handbook of research in statistics education, 5-36, 2018
Use of complementary and alternative medicine during the menopause transition: longitudinal results from the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation
YA Bair, EB Gold, G Zhang, N Rasor, J Utts, DM Upchurch, L Chyu, ...
Menopause 15 (1), 32-43, 2008
Statistical ideas and methods
JM Utts, RF Heckard
(No Title), 2006
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