Timothy Moss
Timothy Moss
Senior Researcher, IRI THESys, Humboldt University of Berlin
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The dark side of light: a transdisciplinary research agenda for light pollution policy
F Hölker, T Moss, B Griefahn, W Kloas, CC Voigt, D Henckel, A Hänel, ...
Ecology and Society 15 (4), 2010
The governance of land use in river basins: prospects for overcoming problems of institutional interplay with the EU Water Framework Directive
T Moss
Land use policy 21 (1), 85-94, 2004
Multilevel water governance and problems of scale: Setting the stage for a broader debate
T Moss, J Newig
Environmental management 46, 1-6, 2010
Whose energy transition is it, anyway? Organisation and ownership of the Energiewende in villages, cities and regions
T Moss, S Becker, M Naumann
Local Environment 20 (12), 1547-1563, 2015
Urban infrastructure in transition
S Guy, S Marvin, T Moss
Networks, buildings, plans, 2001
Intermediaries and the governance of sociotechnical networks in transition
T Moss
Environment and Planning A 41 (6), 1480-1495, 2009
‘Cold spots’ of urban infrastructure:‘Shrinking’processes in eastern Germany and the modern infrastructural ideal
T Moss
International journal of urban and regional research 32 (2), 436-451, 2008
Spatial fit, from panacea to practice: implementing the EU Water Framework Directive
T Moss
Ecology and Society 17 (3), 2012
Solving problems of ‘fit’at the expense of problems of ‘interplay’? The spatial reorganisation of water management following the EU Water Framework Directive
T Moss
How institutions change: perspectives on social learning in global and local …, 2003
Shaping urban infrastructures: intermediaries and the governance of socio-technical networks
S Guy, S Marvin, W Medd, T Moss
Routledge, 2012
Organising water: The hidden role of intermediary work
T Moss, W Medd, S Guy, S Marvin
Water Alternatives 2 (1), 2009
Socio-technical change and the politics of urban infrastructure: Managing energy in Berlin between dictatorship and democracy
T Moss
Urban Studies 51 (7), 1432-1448, 2014
Between coproduction and commons: understanding initiatives to reclaim urban energy provision in Berlin and Hamburg
S Becker, M Naumann, T Moss
Coproducing Water, Energy and Waste Services, 63-85, 2018
Water, infrastructure and political rule: Introduction to the special issue
J Obertreis, T Moss, P Mollinga, C Bichsel
Water Alternatives 9 (2), 2016
The German Energiewende–What's happening? Introducing the special issue
L Quitzow, W Canzler, P Grundmann, M Leibenath, T Moss, T Rave
Utilities Policy 41, 163-171, 2016
Restoring floodplains in Europe
T Moss, J Monstadt
IWA Publishing, 2008
Vulnerabilität und Resilienz in sozio-räumlicher Perspektive: Begriffliche Klärungen und theoretischer Rahmen
GB Christmann, O Ibert, H Kilper, T Moss
Working Paper, 2011
Conceptualizing Germany’s energy transition: institutions, materiality, power, space
L Gailing, T Moss
Springer, 2016
Spatiality of the commons
T Moss
International Journal of the Commons 8 (2), 457-471, 2014
The politics of multi-scalar action in river basin management: Implementing the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD)
F Hüesker, T Moss
Land Use Policy 42, 38-47, 2015
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