Prakash I. Gangashetty
Prakash I. Gangashetty
Sr Scientist- Pigeonpea Breeding, ICRISAT
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Advances in plant breeding strategies: fruits
JM Al-Khayri, SM Jain, DV Johnson
springer, 2018
Antinutritional factors in pearl millet grains: Phytate and goitrogens content variability and molecular characterization of genes involved in their pathways
E Boncompagni, G Orozco-Arroyo, E Cominelli, PI Gangashetty, S Grando, ...
PloS one 13 (6), e0198394, 2018
Genetic variability studies in genetically diverse non-basmati local aromatic genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa (L.))
PI Gangashetty, PM Salimath, NG Hanamaratti
Rice genomics and genetics 4 (1), 2013
Correlation and path coefficient analysis of grain yield and yield contributing traits in single cross hybrids of maize (Zea mays L.)
R Pavan, HC Lohithaswa, MC Wali, G Prakash, BG Shekara
Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 2 (2), 253-257, 2011
Response to early drought stress and identification of QTLs controlling biomass production under drought in pearl millet
M Debieu, B Sine, S Passot, A Grondin, E Akata, P Gangashetty, V Vadez, ...
PloS one 13 (10), e0201635, 2018
Association studies in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench)
S Adiger, G Shanthkumar, PI Gangashetty, PM Salimath
Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 2 (4), 568-573, 2011
General and specific combining ability studies in single cross hybrids of maize (Zea mays L.)
R Pavan, G Prakash, NM Mallikarjuna
Current Biotica 5 (2), 196-208, 2011
Genome sequence and genetic diversity analysis of an under-domesticated orphan crop, white fonio (Digitaria exilis)
X Wang, S Chen, X Ma, AEJ Yssel, SR Chaluvadi, MS Johnson, ...
GigaScience 10 (3), giab013, 2021
Genetic diversity studies in newly derived inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.)
U Kage, D Madalageri, L Malakannavar, P Ganagashetty
Molecular Plant Breeding 4 (9), 2013
Constraints to Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum) Production and Farmers’ Approaches to Striga hermonthica Management in Burkina Faso
A Rouamba, H Shimelis, I Drabo, M Laing, P Gangashetty, I Mathew, ...
Sustainability 13 (15), 8460, 2021
Effect of spacing and nutrient levels on growth attributes and yield of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn) cultivated under guni planting method in red sandy loamy …
G Prakasha, KN Kalyana Murthy, AS Prathima, NM Rohani
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 7 (05 …, 2018
CGIAR operations under the plant treaty framework
IL Noriega, M Halewood, M Abberton, A Amri, II Angarawai, N Anglin, ...
Crop Science 59 (3), 819-832, 2019
Heterosis beeding for maturity, yield and quality characters in maize (Zea mays L.)
N Hiremath, G Shantakumar, S Adiger, P Gangashetty
Molecular plant breeding 4 (6), 2013
A New Formulation for Strigolactone Suicidal Germination Agents, towards Successful Striga Management
M Jamil, JY Wang, D Yonli, RH Patil, M Riyazaddin, P Gangashetty, ...
Plants 11 (6), 808, 2022
Association analysis in genetically diverse non-basmati local aromatic genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
PI Gangashetty, PM Salimath, NG Hanamaratti
Molecular Plant Breeding 4 (4), 2013
Identifying Anti-Oxidant Biosynthesis Genes in Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] Using Genome—Wide Association Analysis
CB Yadav, J Tokas, D Yadav, A Winters, RB Singh, R Yadav, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 599649, 2021
Breeding crop plants for improved human nutrition through biofortification: progress and prospects
PI Gangashetty, BN Motagi, R Pavan, MB Roodagi
Advances in plant breeding strategies: agronomic, abiotic and biotic stress …, 2016
Metabolite diversity and metabolic genome-wide marker association studies (MGWAS) for health benefiting nutritional traits in pearl millet grains
CB Yadav, RK Srivastava, PI Gangashetty, R Yadav, LAJ Mur, RS Yadav
Cells 10 (11), 3076, 2021
Genomic diversity in pearl millet inbred lines derived from landraces and improved varieties
G Kanfany, DD Serba, D Rhodes, P St. Amand, A Bernardo, ...
BMC genomics 21, 1-12, 2020
Comparison of variability, nature and magnitude of association of productivity traits in single and double cross progenies of bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus (L …
PI Gangashetty, G Shanthakumar, PM Salimath, O Sridevi
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