Anna Rita Fasolino
Anna Rita Fasolino
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Using GUI ripping for automated testing of Android applications
D Amalfitano, AR Fasolino, P Tramontana, S De Carmine, AM Memon
Proceedings of the 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2012
MobiGUITAR: Automated model-based testing of mobile apps
D Amalfitano, AR Fasolino, P Tramontana, BD Ta, AM Memon
IEEE software 32 (5), 53-59, 2014
Testing Web-based applications: The state of the art and future trends
GA Di Lucca, AR Fasolino
Information and Software Technology 48 (12), 1172-1186, 2006
A gui crawling-based technique for android mobile application testing
D Amalfitano, AR Fasolino, P Tramontana
2011 IEEE fourth international conference on software testing, verification …, 2011
Testing web applications
GA Di Lucca, AR Fasolino, F Faralli, U De Carlini
International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2002. Proceedings., 310-319, 2002
Understanding function behaviors through program slicing
A De Lucia, AR Fasolino, M Munro
WPC'96. 4th Workshop on Program Comprehension, 9-18, 1996
A wrapping approach for migrating legacy system interactive functionalities to service oriented architectures
G Canfora, AR Fasolino, G Frattolillo, P Tramontana
Journal of Systems and Software 81 (4), 463-480, 2008
An approach to identify duplicated web pages
GA Di Lucca, M Di Penta, AR Fasolino
Proceedings 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications …, 2002
Migrating interactive legacy systems to web services
G Canfora, AR Fasolino, G Frattolillo, P Tramontana
Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'06), 10 pp.-36, 2006
WARE: A tool for the reverse engineering of web applications
GA Di Lucca, AR Fasolino, F Pace, P Tramontana, U De Carlini
Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Software Maintenance and …, 2002
Identifying cross site scripting vulnerabilities in web applications
GA Di Lucca, AR Fasolino, M Mastoianni, P Tramontana
Proceedings. Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Web Site Evolution, 71-80, 2004
Reverse engineering Web applications: the WARE approach
GA Di Lucca, AR Fasolino, P Tramontana
Journal of Software maintenance and evolution: Research and practice 16 (1‐2 …, 2004
Migrating legacy systems towards object-oriented platforms
A De Lucia, GA Di Lucca, AR Fasolino, P Guerra, S Petruzzelli
1997 Proceedings International Conference on Software Maintenance, 122-129, 1997
Considering context events in event-based testing of mobile applications
D Amalfitano, AR Fasolino, P Tramontana, N Amatucci
2013 IEEE sixth international conference on software testing, verification …, 2013
Testing android mobile applications: Challenges, strategies, and approaches
D Amalfitano, AR Fasolino, P Tramontana, B Robbins
Advances in Computers 89, 1-52, 2013
Comprehending web applications by a clustering based approach
GA Di Lucca, AR Fasolino, F Pace, P Tramontana, U De Carlini
Proceedings 10th International Workshop on Program Comprehension, 261-270, 2002
A toolset for gui testing of android applications
D Amalfitano, AR Fasolino, P Tramontana, S De Carmine, G Imparato
2012 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), 650-653, 2012
Identifying objects in legacy systems using design metrics
A Cimitile, A De Lucia, GA Di Lucca, AR Fasolino
Journal of Systems and Software 44 (3), 199-211, 1999
A general framework for comparing automatic testing techniques of Android mobile apps
D Amalfitano, N Amatucci, AM Memon, P Tramontana, AR Fasolino
Journal of Systems and Software 125, 322-343, 2017
Automated functional testing of mobile applications: a systematic mapping study
P Tramontana, D Amalfitano, N Amatucci, AR Fasolino
Software Quality Journal 27, 149-201, 2019
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