Yanyu Wang
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Sensitivity analysis of structural health risk in operational tunnels
W Liu, X Wu, L Zhang, Y Wang, J Teng
Automation in Construction 94, 135-153, 2018
Crowdsourced reliable labeling of safety-rule violations on images of complex construction scenes for advanced vision-based workplace safety
Y Wang, PC Liao, C Zhang, Y Ren, X Sun, P Tang
Advanced Engineering Informatics 42, 101001, 2019
Reliability analysis of face stability for tunnel excavation in a dependent system
W Liu, EJ Chen, E Yao, Y Wang, Y Chen
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 206, 107306, 2021
Probabilistic analysis of tunneling-induced building safety assessment using a hybrid FE-copula model
W Liu, X Wu, L Zhang, Y Wang
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 14 (8), 1065-1081, 2018
Predicting separation errors of air traffic controllers through integrated sequence analysis of multimodal behaviour indicators
R Xiong, Y Wang, P Tang, NJ Cooke, SV Ligda, CS Lieber, Y Liu
Advanced Engineering Informatics 55, 101894, 2023
Reinforcement learning in construction engineering and management: A review
V Asghari, Y Wang, AJ Biglari, SC Hsu, P Tang
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 148 (11), 03122009, 2022
Structural health-monitoring and assessment in tunnels: hybrid simulation approach
W Liu, X Wu, L Zhang, Y Wang, J Teng
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 34 (4), 04020045, 2020
Characterizing data sharing in civil infrastructure engineering: Current practice, future vision, barriers, and promotion strategies
Y Wang, P Tang, K Liu, J Cai, R Ren, JJ Lin, H Cai, J Zhang, N El-Gohary, ...
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 37 (2), 04023001, 2023
A novel reliability analysis method for a dependent system by copula model: a case study in operation tunnels maintenance
W Liu, A Li, EJ Chen, H Luo, Y Wang
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 12 (5), 1133-1155, 2022
Facilitating Construction Scene Understanding Knowledge Sharing and Reuse via Lifelong Site Object Detection
R Xiong, Y Zhu, Y Wang, P Liu, P Tang
European Conference on Computer Vision, 228-243, 2022
Predicting terminal mid-air collisions through simulator experiments of air traffic control
Y Wang, P Tang, Y Shi, Y Liu, NJ Cooke
2020 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2536-2548, 2020
Fast and Reliable Map Matching from Large-Scale Noisy Positioning Records
Y Wang, R Xiong, P Tang, Y Liu
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 37 (1), 04022040, 2023
Data-driven spatiotemporal simulation of ground movements of aircraft for preventive airport safety
P Tang, Y Wang, Z Sun, Y Liu
2019 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2992-3000, 2019
Predicting Collisions between Aircraft through Spatiotemporal Data-Driven Simulation of Airport Ground Operations
Y Wang, S Zhe, Y Liu, P Tang
AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, 3414, 2019
Bridge inspection strategy analysis through human-drone interaction games
P Liu, B Sun, Y Wang, P Tang
Computing in Civil Engineering 2023, 597-605, 2024
Characterizing perceived data sharing barriers and promotion strategies in civil engineering
Y Wang, P Tang, K Liu, J Cai, R Ren, JJ Lin, H Cai, J Zhang, N El-Gohary, ...
Computing in Civil Engineering 2021, 42-49, 2021
Spatiotemporal data-driven simulation and clustering of ground operations of aircraft for comprehending airport jams and collisions
Y Wang, P Tang
Construction Research Congress 2020, 982-991, 2020
Proactive Improvements of Civil Infrastructure Operations Based on Data-Driven Simulation and Optimization
Y Wang
Carnegie Mellon University, 2023
Proactive Improvements of Standard Taxi Routes in Airports Based on Data-Driven Simulation and Reinforcement Learning
Y Wang, P Tang
Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2023
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