Trevor J Willis
Trevor J Willis
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Canonical analysis of principal coordinates: a useful method of constrained ordination for ecology
MJ Anderson, TJ Willis
Ecology 84 (2), 511-525, 2003
Global conservation outcomes depend on marine protected areas with five key features
GJ Edgar, RD Stuart-Smith, TJ Willis, S Kininmonth, SC Baker, S Banks, ...
Nature 506 (7487), 216-220, 2014
Integrating abundance and functional traits reveals new global hotspots of fish diversity
RD Stuart-Smith, AE Bates, JS Lefcheck, JE Duffy, SC Baker, RJ Thomson, ...
Nature 501 (7468), 539-542, 2013
Changes in community structure in temperate marine reserves
RC Babcock, S Kelly, NT Shears, JW Walker, TJ Willis
Marine ecology progress series 189, 125-134, 1999
Detection of spatial variability in relative density of fishes: comparison of visual census, angling, and baited underwater video
TJ Willis, RB Millar, RC Babcock
Marine Ecology Progress Series 198, 249-260, 2000
A baited underwater video system for the determination of relative density of carnivorous reef fish
TJ Willis, RC Babcock
Marine and Freshwater research 51 (8), 755-763, 2000
BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene
M Dornelas, LH Antao, F Moyes, AE Bates, AE Magurran, D Adam, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (7), 760-786, 2018
Protection of exploited fish in temperate regions: high density and biomass of snapper Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) in northern New Zealand marine reserves
TJ Willis, RB Millar, RC Babcock
Journal of Applied Ecology 40 (2), 214-227, 2003
Burdens of evidence and the benefits of marine reserves: putting Descartes before des horse?
TJ Willis, RB Millar, RC Babcock, N Tolimieri
Environmental conservation 30 (2), 97-103, 2003
Visual census methods underestimate density and diversity of cryptic reef fishes
TJ Willis
Journal of Fish Biology 59 (5), 1408-1411, 2001
Structure of cryptic reef fish assemblages: relationships with habitat characteristics and predator density
TJ Willis, MJ Anderson
Marine Ecology Progress Series 257, 209-221, 2003
Snapper Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) home range dynamics: acoustic tagging studies in a marine reserve
DM Parsons, RC Babcock, RKS Hankin, TJ Willis, JP Aitken, RK O¹Dor, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 262, 253-265, 2003
Rapid recolonisation of snapper Pagrus auratus: Sparidae within an offshore island marine reserve after implementation of no-take status
CM Denny, TJ Willis, RC Babcock
Marine Ecology Progress Series 272, 183-190, 2004
Evidence for long‐term site fidelity of snapper (Pagrus auratus) within a marine reserve
TJ Willis, DM Parsons, RC Babcock
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35 (3), 581-590, 2001
Efficacy of Aqui-S, formalin and praziquantel against the monogeneans, Benedenia seriolae and Zeuxapta seriolae, infecting yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi lalandi in New …
NJ Sharp, BK Diggles, CW Poortenaar, TJ Willis
Aquaculture 236 (1-4), 67-83, 2004
Multiple impacts of microplastics can threaten marine habitat-forming species
C Corinaldesi, S Canensi, A Dell’Anno, M Tangherlini, I Di Capua, ...
Communications biology 4 (1), 431, 2021
Morphometric and meristic comparison of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus: Trachichthyidae) from the Puysegur Bank and Lord Howe Rise, New Zealand …
M Haddon, TJ Willis
Marine Biology 123, 19-27, 1995
Reflecting on the next generation of models for community-based natural resources management
CM Shackleton, TJ Willis, K Brown, NVC Polunin
Environmental Conservation 37 (1), 1-4, 2010
Retention and in situ detectability of visible implant fluorescent elastomer (VIFE) tags in Pagrus auratus (Sparidae)
TJ Willis, RC Babcock
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 32 (2), 247-254, 1998
Diel variability in counts of reef fishes and its implications for monitoring
TJ Willis, F Badalamenti, M Milazzo
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 331 (1), 108-120, 2006
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