Gandham Phanikumar
Gandham Phanikumar
Professor, Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
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Microstructure and tensile properties of friction welded aluminum alloy AA7075-T6
HK Rafi, GDJ Ram, G Phanikumar, KP Rao
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 31 (5), 2375-2380, 2010
Microstructural evolution during friction surfacing of tool steel H13
HK Rafi, GDJ Ram, G Phanikumar, KP Rao
Materials & Design 32 (1), 82-87, 2011
Hot deformation behaviour and processing map of Co-Cu-Fe-Ni-Ti eutectic high entropy alloy
S Samal, MR Rahul, RS Kottada, G Phanikumar
Materials Science and Engineering: A 664, 227-235, 2016
Friction surfaced tool steel (H13) coatings on low carbon steel: A study on the effects of process parameters on coating characteristics and integrity
HK Rafi, GDJ Ram, G Phanikumar, KP Rao
Surface and Coatings Technology 205 (1), 232-242, 2010
Characterization of a continuous CO2 laser-welded Fe-Cu dissimilar couple
G Phanikumar, S Manjini, P Dutta, K Chattopadhyay, J Mazumder
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 36, 2137-2147, 2005
Dendrite growth velocity in levitated undercooled nickel melts
O Funke, G Phanikumar, PK Galenko, L Chernova, S Reutzel, M Kolbe, ...
Journal of crystal growth 297 (1), 211-222, 2006
Modelling of transport phenomena in laser surface alloying with distributed species mass source
PM Raj, S Sarkar, S Chakraborty, G Phanikumar, P Dutta, ...
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 23 (3), 298-307, 2002
Experimental and finite element simulation studies on hot deformation behaviour of AlCoCrFeNi2. 1 eutectic high entropy alloy
MR Rahul, S Samal, S Venugopal, G Phanikumar
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 749, 1115-1127, 2018
Modelling of transport phenomena in laser welding of dissimilar metals
G Phanikumar, K Chattopadhyay, P Dutta
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 11 (2), 156-174, 2001
Experimental and numerical studies on friction welding of thixocast A356 aluminum alloy
SK Singh, K Chattopadhyay, G Phanikumar, P Dutta
Acta Materialia 73, 177-185, 2014
Computational modeling of laser welding of Cu-Ni dissimilar couple
G Phanikumar, K Chattopadhyay, P Dutta
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 35, 339-350, 2004
Solidification of undercooled peritectic Fe–Ge alloy
G Phanikumar, K Biswas, O Funke, D Holland-Moritz, DM Herlach, ...
Acta materialia 53 (13), 3591-3600, 2005
Thermal profiling using infrared thermography in friction surfacing
H Khalid Rafi, K Balasubramaniam, G Phanikumar, K Prasad Rao
Metallurgical and Materials transactions A 42, 3425-3429, 2011
Microstructural evolution during remelting of laser surface alloyed hyper-monotectic Al–Bi alloy
G Phanikumar, P Dutta, R Galun, K Chattopadhyay
Materials Science and Engineering: A 371 (1-2), 91-102, 2004
Design of a seven-component eutectic high-entropy alloy
MR Rahul, G Phanikumar
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50, 2594-2598, 2019
Effect of Zr addition on the mechanical properties of NbSi based alloys
M Sankar, G Phanikumar, VVS Prasad
Materials Science and Engineering: A 754, 224-231, 2019
Effect of Zr additions on microstructure evolution and phase formation of Nb− Si based ultrahigh temperature alloys
M Sankar, G Phanikumar, V Singh, VVS Prasad
Intermetallics 101, 123-132, 2018
Microstructure stability during high temperature deformation of CoCrFeNiTa eutectic high entropy alloy through nano-scale precipitation
N Shah, MR Rahul, S Bysakh, G Phanikumar
Materials Science and Engineering: A 824, 141793, 2021
Material flow visualization during friction surfacing
H Khalid Rafi, G Phanikumar, K Prasad Rao
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 42, 937-939, 2011
Dendritic solidification and fragmentation in undercooled Ni–Zr alloys
PK Galenko, G Phanikumar, O Funke, L Chernova, S Reutzel, M Kolbe, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 449, 649-653, 2007
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