William Robson Schwartz
William Robson Schwartz
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
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ECG-based Heartbeat Classification for Arrhythmia Detection: A Survey
EJS Luz, WR Schwartz, GC Chávez, D Menotti
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2016
Human detection using partial least squares analysis
WR Schwartz, A Kembhavi, D Harwood, LS Davis
2009 IEEE 12th international conference on computer vision, 24-31, 2009
A robust real-time automatic license plate recognition based on the YOLO detector
R Laroca, E Severo, LA Zanlorensi, LS Oliveira, GR Gonçalves, ...
2018 international joint conference on neural networks (ijcnn), 1-10, 2018
Deep Representations for Iris, Face, and Fingerprint Spoofing Detection
D Menotti, G Chiachia, A Pinto, W Schwartz, H Pedrini, A Falcao, A Rocha
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2015
Learning discriminative appearance-based models using partial least squares
WR Schwartz, LS Davis
XXII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 322-329, 2009
Análise de imagens digitais: princípios, algoritmos e aplicações
H Pedrini, WR Schwartz
Thomson Learning, 2008
Multi-scale gray level co-occurrence matrices for texture description
FR De Siqueira, WR Schwartz, H Pedrini
Neurocomputing 120, 336-345, 2013
Histograms of optical flow orientation and magnitude and entropy to detect anomalous events in videos
RVHM Colque, C Caetano, MTL de Andrade, WR Schwartz
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 27 (3), 673-682, 2016
Skelemotion: A new representation of skeleton joint sequences based on motion information for 3d action recognition
C Caetano, J Sena, F Brémond, JA Dos Santos, WR Schwartz
2019 16th IEEE international conference on advanced video and signal based …, 2019
Competition on counter measures to 2-D facial spoofing attacks
MM Chakka, A Anjos, S Marcel, R Tronci, D Muntoni, G Fadda, M Pili, ...
Biometrics (IJCB), 2011 International Joint Conference on, 2011
Face spoofing detection through visual codebooks of spectral temporal cubes
A Pinto, H Pedrini, WR Schwartz, A Rocha
IEEE Transactions on image processing 24 (12), 4726-4740, 2015
An efficient and layout‐independent automatic license plate recognition system based on the YOLO detector
R Laroca, LA Zanlorensi, GR Gonçalves, E Todt, WR Schwartz, D Menotti
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 15 (4), 483-503, 2021
Skeleton image representation for 3D action recognition based on tree structure and reference joints
C Caetano, F Brémond, WR Schwartz
2019 32nd SIBGRAPI conference on graphics, patterns and images (SIBGRAPI), 16-23, 2019
Face spoofing detection through partial least squares and low-level descriptors
WR Schwartz, A Rocha, H Pedrini
Biometrics (IJCB), 2011 International Joint Conference on, 2011
Using Visual Rhythms for Detecting Video-based Facial Spoof Attacks
A Pinto, W Schwartz, H Pedrini, A Rocha
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2015
Video-Based Face Spoofing Detection through Visual Rhythm Analysis
A da Silva Pinto, H Pedrini, WR Schwartz, A Rocha
Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2012
Human activity recognition based on wearable sensor data: A standardization of the state-of-the-art
A Jordao, AC Nazare Jr, J Sena, WR Schwartz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.05226, 2018
Dynamic multicontext segmentation of remote sensing images based on convolutional networks
K Nogueira, M Dalla Mura, J Chanussot, WR Schwartz, JA Dos Santos
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (10), 7503-7520, 2019
The 2nd Competition on Counter Measures to 2D Face Spoofing Attacks
I Chingovska, J Yang, Z Lei, D Yi, SZ Li, O Kähm, C Glaser, N Damer, ...
6th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, 2013
Learning deep off-the-person heart biometrics representations
EJ da Silva Luz, GJP Moreira, LS Oliveira, WR Schwartz, D Menotti
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 13 (5), 1258-1270, 2017
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