Yu Tian
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Weakly-supervised Video Anomaly Detection with Robust Temporal Feature Magnitude Learning
Y Tian, G Pang, Y Chen, R Singh, JW Verjans, G Carneiro
ICCV'21, 2021
Perturbed and Strict Mean Teachers for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation
Y Liu, Y Tian, Y Chen, F Liu, V Belagiannis, G Carneiro
CVPR'22, 2022
Deep One-Class Classification via Interpolated Gaussian Descriptor
Y Chen*, Y Tian*, G Pang, G Carneiro
AAAI'22 (Oral), 2022
ACPL: Anti-curriculum Pseudo-labelling for Semi-supervised Medical Image Classification
F Liu*, Y Tian*, Y Chen, Y Liu, V Belagiannis, G Carneiro
CVPR'22, 2022
Constrained Contrastive Distribution Learning for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localisation in Medical Images
Y Tian, G Pang, F Liu, SH Shin, JW Verjans, R Singh, G Carneiro
MICCAI'21, 2021
Pixel-wise Energy-biased Abstention Learning for Anomaly Segmentation on Complex Urban Driving Scenes
Y Tian, Y Liu, G Pang, F Liu, Y Chen, G Carneiro
ECCV'22 (Oral), 2022
Self-supervised Mean Teacher for Semi-supervised Chest X-ray Classification
F Liu*, Y Tian*, FR Cordeiro, V Belagiannis, I Reid, G Carneiro
MICCAI-MLMI'21, 2021
Anomalyclip: Object-agnostic prompt learning for zero-shot anomaly detection
Q Zhou, G Pang, Y Tian, S He, J Chen
ICLR'24, 2024
Few-shot anomaly detection for polyp frames from colonoscopy
Y Tian, G Maicas, LZCT Pu, R Singh, JW Verjans, G Carneiro
MICCAI'20, 2020
Computer-aided diagnosis for characterization of colorectal lesions: comprehensive software that includes differentiation of serrated lesions
LZCT Pu, G Maicas, Y Tian, T Yamamura, M Nakamura, H Suzuki, ...
Gastrointestinal endoscopy 92 (4), 891-899, 2020
Self-supervised Pseudo Multi-class Pre-training for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Segmentation in Medical Images
Y Tian, F Liu, G Pang, Y Chen, Y Liu, J Verjans, R Singh, G Carneiro
Medical Image Analysis, 2023
One-stage five-class polyp detection and classification
Y Tian, LZCT Pu, R Singh, AD Burt, G Carneiro
ISBI'19, 2019
Unsupervised anomaly detection in medical images with a memory-augmented multi-level cross-attentional masked autoencoder
Y Tian, G Pang, Y Liu, C Wang, Y Chen, F Liu, R Singh, JW Verjans, ...
MICCAI-MLMI'23, 2023
Residual Pattern Learning for Pixel-wise Out-of-Distribution Detection in Semantic Segmentation
Y Liu, C Ding, Y Tian, G Pang, V Belagiannis, I Reid, G Carneiro
ICCV'23, 2023
Contrastive Transformer-based Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly Supervised Polyp Frame Detection
Y Tian, G Pang, F Liu, Y Liu, C Wang, Y Chen, JW Verjans, G Carneiro
MICCAI'22 (Early Accept), 2022
Photoshopping colonoscopy video frames
Y Liu*, Y Tian*, G Maicas, LZCT Pu, R Singh, JW Verjans, G Carneiro
ISBI'20, 2020
NVUM: Non-volatile Unbiased Memory for Robust Medical Image Classification
F Liu, Y Chen, Y Tian, L Yuyuan, W Chong, V Belagiannis, G Carneiro
MICCAI'22 (Early Accept), 2022
Learning Support and Trivial Prototypes for Interpretable Image Classification
C Wang, Y Liu, Y Chen, F Liu, Y Tian, DJ McCarthy, H Frazer, G Carneiro
ICCV'23, 2023
Knowledge Distillation to Ensemble Global and Interpretable Prototype-Based Mammogram Classification Models
C Wang, Y Chen, Y Liu, Y Tian, F Liu, DJ McCarthy, M Elliott, H Frazer, ...
MICCAI'22 (Early Accept), 2022
Multi-view Local Co-occurrence and Global Consistency Learning Improve Mammogram Classification Generalisation
Y Chen, H Wang, C Wang, Y Tian, F Liu, Y Liu, M Elliott, DJ McCarthy, ...
MICCAI'22 (Early Accept), 2022
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