Ibrahim Demir
Ibrahim Demir
Associate Professor, CEE / ECE / URP / IIHR / UIHILab, University of Iowa
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The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020: Water and Climate Change
UWWA Programme
UNESCO for UN-Water, 2020
A Rainfall‐Runoff Model With LSTM‐Based Sequence‐to‐Sequence Learning
Z Xiang, J Yan, I Demir
Water resources research 56 (1), e2019WR025326, 2020
A comprehensive review of deep learning applications in hydrology and water resources
M Sit, BZ Demiray, Z Xiang, GJ Ewing, Y Sermet, I Demir
Water Science and Technology 82 (12), 2635-2670, 2020
Assessment of urban air quality in Istanbul using fuzzy synthetic evaluation
G Onkal-Engin, I Demir, H Hiz
Atmospheric Environment 38 (23), 3809-3815, 2004
Real-Time Flood Forecasting and Information System for the State of Iowa
WF Krajewski, D Ceynar, I Demir, R Goska, A Kruger, C Langel, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (3), 539-554, 2017
Towards an integrated flood information system: centralized data access, analysis, and visualization
I Demir, WF Krajewski
Environmental modelling & software 50, 77-84, 2013
Toward the Geoscience Paper of the Future: Best practices for documenting and sharing research from data to software to provenance
Y Gil, CH David, I Demir, BT Essawy, RW Fulweiler, JL Goodall, ...
Earth and Space Science 3 (10), 388-415, 2016
Determination of the relationship between sewage odour and BOD by neural networks
G Onkal-Engin, I Demir, SN Engin
Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (7), 843-850, 2005
Cost analysis of alternative methods for wastewater handling in small communities
GO Engin, I Demir
Journal of environmental management 79 (4), 357-363, 2006
Identifying disaster-related tweets and their semantic, spatial and temporal context using deep learning, natural language processing and spatial analysis: a case study of …
MA Sit, C Koylu, I Demir
International Journal of Digital Earth, 2019
Distributed long-term hourly streamflow predictions using deep learning–A case study for State of Iowa
Z Xiang, I Demir
Environmental Modelling & Software 131, 104761, 2020
D-SRGAN: DEM super-resolution with generative adversarial networks
BZ Demiray, M Sit, I Demir
SN Computer Science 2 (1), 1-11, 2021
Modeling of flux decline in crossflow microfiltration using neural networks: the case of phosphate removal
C Aydiner, I Demir, E Yildiz
Journal of membrane science 248 (1-2), 53-62, 2005
Flood action VR: a virtual reality framework for disaster awareness and emergency response training
Y Sermet, I Demir
ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Posters, 1-2, 2019
Assessment of transportation system disruption and accessibility to critical amenities during flooding: Iowa case study
Y Alabbad, J Mount, AM Campbell, I Demir
Science of the total environment 793, 148476, 2021
An intelligent system on knowledge generation and communication about flooding
Y Sermet, I Demir
Environmental Modelling & Software 108, 51-60, 2018
A comprehensive flood event specification and inventory: 1930–2020 Turkey case study
I Haltas, E Yildirim, F Oztas, I Demir
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 56, 102086, 2021
Towards an information centric flood ontology for information management and communication
Y Sermet, I Demir
Earth Science Informatics 12 (4), 541-551, 2019
A collaborative serious game for water resources planning and hazard mitigation
A Teague, Y Sermet, I Demir, M Muste
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 53, 101977, 2021
Decentralized Flood Forecasting Using Deep Neural Networks
M Sit, I Demir
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.02308, 2019
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