Pedro Merino
Pedro Merino
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The 3GPP NB-IoT system architecture for the Internet of Things
AD Zayas, P Merino
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC …, 2017
Debugging UML designs with model checking
M del Mar Gallardo, P Merino, E Pimentel
Journal of Object Technology 1 (2), 101-117, 2002
Mobile application profiling for connected mobile devices
A Diaz, P Merino, FJ Rivas
IEEE Pervasive Computing 9 (1), 54, 2010
3GPP standards to deliver LTE connectivity for IoT
A Díaz-Zayas, CA García-Pérez, AM Recio-Pérez, P Merino
2016 IEEE first international conference on internet-of-things design and …, 2016
Enabling low latency services on LTE networks
CA Garcia-Perez, P Merino
2016 IEEE 1st International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of …, 2016
Third-generation partnership project standards: for delivery of critical communications for railways
AD Zayas, CAG Perez, PM Gomez
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 9 (2), 58-68, 2014
Experimental evaluation of fog computing techniques to reduce latency in LTE networks
CA García‐Pérez, P Merino
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 29 (4), e3201, 2018
Field measurements of mobile services with Android smartphones
A Alvarez, A Díaz, P Merino, FJ Rivas
2012 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 105-109, 2012
A survey of end-to-end solutions for reliable low-latency communications in 5G networks
D Rico, P Merino
IEEE Access 8, 192808-192834, 2020
Model checking dynamic memory allocation in operating systems
MM Gallardo, P Merino, D Sanán
Journal of Automated Reasoning 42 (2), 229-264, 2009
Model checking software with well-defined apis: the socket case
P de la Cámara, MM Gallardo, P Merino, D Sanan
Proceedings of the 10th international workshop on Formal methods for …, 2005
A generalized semantics of PROMELA for abstract model checking
MM Gallardo, P Merino, E Pimentel
Formal Aspects of Computing 16, 166-193, 2004
Verification support for ARINC‐653‐based avionics software
P de la Cámara, JR Castro, MM Gallardo, P Merino
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 21 (4), 267-298, 2011
QoS analysis of video streaming service in live cellular networks
A Díaz, P Merino, FJ Rivas
Computer Communications 33 (3), 322-335, 2010
Using model checking to generate test cases for android applications
AR Espada, MM Gallardo, A Salmerón, P Merino
arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.02440, 2015
αSPIN: Extending SPIN with abstraction
M del Mar Gallardo, J Martinez, P Merino, E Pimentel
International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software, 254-257, 2002
Model extraction for arinc 653 based avionics software
P de la Cámara, M del Mar Gallardo, P Merino
Model Checking Software: 14th International SPIN Workshop, Berlin, Germany …, 2007
A framework for automatic construction of abstract promela models
MM Gallardo, P Merino
International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software, 184-199, 1999
Improving the efficiency and reliability of wearable based mobile eHealth applications
C Garcia-Perez, A Diaz-Zayas, A Rios, P Merino, K Katsalis, CY Chang, ...
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 40, 674-691, 2017
Abstract matching for software model checking
P de la Cámara, M del Mar Gallardo, P Merino
International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software, 182-200, 2006
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