Rui-Jun YAN
Rui-Jun YAN
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QuicaBot: Quality Inspection and Assessment Robot
RJ Yan, E Kayacan, IM Chen, LK Tiong, J Wu
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 1-12, 2018
Development and evaluation of a compact 6-axis force/moment sensor with a serial structure for the humanoid robot foot
C Yuan, LP Luo, Q Yuan, J Wu, RJ Yan, HG Kim, KS Shin, CS Han
Measurement 70 (2015), 110-122, 2015
Trajectory planning for energy minimization of industry robotic manipulators using the Lagrange interpolation method
LP Luo, C Yuan, RJ Yan, Y Quan, J Wu, KS Shin, CS Han
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 16 (5), 911-917, 2015
3D point cloud map construction based on line segments with two mutually perpendicular laser sensors
RJ Yan, J Wu, JY Lee, CS Han
2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS …, 2013
Transfer learning on convolutional activation feature as applied to a building quality assessment robot
L Liu, RJ Yan, V Maruvanchery, E Kayacan, IM Chen, LK Tiong
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 14 (3), 1-12, 2017
Estimation of Desired Motion Intention and Compliance Control for Upper Limb Assist Exoskeleton
AM Khan, DW Yun, KM Zuhaib, J Lqbal, RJ Yan, F Khan, CS Han
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 15 (2), 802-814, 2017
Handling subject arm uncertainties for Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot using Robust Sliding Mode Control
DK Yun, AM Khan, RJ Yan, YH Ji, J Lqbal, KM Zuhaib, JY Ahn, JS Han, ...
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 17 (3), 355-362, 2016
Natural Corners-based SLAM in Unknown Indoor Environment
RJ Yan, J Wu, SJ Lim, JY Lee, CS Han
Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), 2012 9th International …, 2012
Natural corners extraction algorithm in 2D unknown indoor environment with laser sensor
R Yan, J Wu, W Wang, S Lim, J Lee, C Han
2012 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 983-987, 2012
A Novel Method for 3D Reconstruction: Division and Merging of Overlapping B-spline surfaces
RJ Yan, J Wu, JY Lee, AM Khan, CS Han, E Kayacan, IM Chen
Computer-Aided Design 81, 14-23, 2016
Innovations in infrastructure service robots
IM Chen, E Asadi, J Nie, RJ Yan, WC Law, E Kayacan, SH Yeo, KH Low, ...
ROMANSY 21-Robot Design, Dynamics and Control: Proceedings of the 21st CISM …, 2016
A 3-DOF Quick-Action Parallel Manipulator based on Four Linkage Mechanisms with High-Speed Cam
J Wu, RJ Yan, KS Shin, CS Han, IM Chen
Mechanism and Machine Theory 115, 168-196, 2017
Representation of 3D environment map using B-spline surface with two mutually-perpendicular LRFs
RJ Yan, J Wu, JY Lee, CS Han
Mathematical Problem in Engineering 2015 (690310), 1-14, 2015
Natural corners-based SLAM with partial compatibility algorithm
RJ Yan, J Wu, Q Yuan, C Yuan, LP Luo, KS Shin, JY Lee, CS Han
Proc. IMechE, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 228 (8 …, 2014
Control Strategy for Smooth Wire Sending and Constant Tension in Multi-Wire Slicer
Z Fang, H Zhang, C Shao, RJ Yan, C Zhang, G Yang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 1-9, 2018
A Novel Building Post-Construction Quality Assessment Robot: Design and Prototyping
RJ Yan, E Kayacan, IM Chen, LK Tiong
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS …, 2017
Arc/Line segments-based SLAM by updating accumulated sensor data
RJ Yan, YS Choi, J Wu, CS Han
Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems 21 (10), 936-943, 2015
Efficient path planning of a high DOF multibody robotic system using adaptive RRT
DH Kim, YS Choi, RJ Yan, LP Luo, JY Lee, CS Han
Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems 21 (3), 257-264, 2015
Mutually converted arc-line segment-based SLAM with summing parameters
RJ Yan, J Wu, ML Shao, KS Shin, JY Lee, CS Han
Proc. IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 229 (11 …, 2015
Binocular vision sensor (Kinect)-based pedestrian following mobile robot
H Zhang, RJ Yan, WS Zhou, L Sheng
International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing …, 2014
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