Mark Jones
Mark Jones
Professor, Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech
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Electronic textiles: A platform for pervasive computing
D Marculescu, R Marculescu, NH Zamora, PS Marbell, PK Khosla, S Park, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 91 (12), 1995-2018, 2003
A parallel graph coloring heuristic
MT Jones, PE Plassmann
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 14 (3), 654-669, 1993
Using piezoelectric materials for wearable electronic textiles
J Edmison, M Jones, Z Nakad, T Martin
Wearable Computers, 2002.(ISWC 2002). Proceedings. Sixth International …, 2002
An E cient Parallel Algorithm for Mesh Smoothing
L Freitag, M Jones, P Plassmann
Proceedings of the 4th International Meshing Roundtable, Sandia National …, 1995
Evaluation of rapid context switching on a CSRC device
DI Lehn, K Puttegowda, JH Park, P Athanas, M Jones
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable …, 2002
An improved incomplete Cholesky factorization
MT Jones, PE Plassmann
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 21 (1), 5-17, 1995
Towards a design framework for wearable electronic textiles
T Martin, M Jones, J Edmison, R Shenoy
null, 190, 2003
Scalable iterative solution of sparse linear systems
MT Jones, PE Plassmann
Parallel Computing 20 (5), 753-773, 1994
A parallel algorithm for mesh smoothing
L Freitag, M Jones, P Plassmann
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 20 (6), 2023-2040, 1999
Two-stage and multisplitting methods for the parallel solution of linear systems
DB Szyld, MT Jones
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 13 (2), 671-679, 1992
Adaptive refinement of unstructured finite-element meshes
MT Jones, PE Plassmann
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 25 (1), 41-60, 1997
Parallel algorithms for adaptive mesh refinement
MT Jones, PE Plassmann
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 18 (3), 686-708, 1997
BlockSolve95 users manual: Scalable library software for the parallel solution of sparse linear systems
MT Jones, PE Plassmann
Technical Report ANL-95/48, Argonne National Laboratory, 1995
Computational results for parallel unstructured mesh computations
MT Jones, PE Plassmann
Computing Systems in Engineering 5 (4), 297-309, 1994
Parallel algorithms for the adaptive refinement and partitioning of unstructured meshes
MT Jones, PE Plassmann
Scalable High-Performance Computing Conference, 1994., Proceedings of the …, 1994
Implementing an API for distributed adaptive computing systems
M Jones, L Scharf, J Scott, C Twaddle, M Yaconis, K Yao, P Athanas, ...
Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, 1999. FCCM'99. Proceedings …, 1999
Local dynamic stability assessment of motion impaired elderly using electronic textile pants
J Liu, TE Lockhart, M Jones, T Martin
Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 5 (4), 696-702, 2008
Hardware-facilitated secure software execution environment
MT Jones, PM Athanas, CD Patterson, JN Edmison, A Mahar, BJ Muzal, ...
US Patent 8,473,754, 2013
Parallel heuristics for improved, balanced graph colorings
RK Gjertsen Jr, MT Jones, PE Plassmann
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 37 (2), 171-186, 1996
Two-stage multisplitting methods with overlapping blocks
MT Jones, DB Szyld
Computer Science Department, 1994
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