petri dario
petri dario
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Digital time-of-flight measurement for ultrasonic sensors
D Marioli, C Narduzzi, C Offelli, D Petri, E Sardini, A Taroni
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 41 (1), 93-97, 1992
Interpolation techniques for real-time multifrequency waveform analysis
C Offelli, D Petri
6th IEEE Conference Record., Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 1989
Accuracy of RSS-based centroid localization algorithms in an indoor environment
P Pivato, L Palopoli, D Petri
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 60 (10), 3451-3460, 2011
The influence of windowing on the accuracy of multifrequency signal parameter estimation
C Offelli, D Petri
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 41 (2), 256-261, 1992
Accuracy analysis of the multicycle synchrophasor estimator provided by the interpolated DFT algorithm
D Belega, D Petri
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 62 (5), 942-953, 2013
Accuracy analysis and enhancement of DFT-based synchrophasor estimators in off-nominal conditions
D Macii, D Petri, A Zorat
IEEE transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 61 (10), 2653-2664, 2012
Effect of additive dither on the resolution of ideal quantizers
P Carbone, D Petri
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 43 (3), 389-396, 1994
A frequency-domain algorithm for dynamic synchrophasor and frequency estimation
D Petri, D Fontanelli, D Macii
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 63 (10), 2330-2340, 2014
Accuracy of sine wave frequency estimation by multipoint interpolated DFT approach
D Belega, D Dallet, D Petri
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 59 (11), 2808-2815, 2010
Synchrophasor estimators accuracy: A comparative analysis
G Barchi, D Macii, D Petri
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 62 (5), 963-973, 2013
Dynamic phasor and frequency measurements by an improved Taylor weighted least squares algorithm
D Belega, D Fontanelli, D Petri
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 64 (8), 2165-2178, 2015
Fast synchrophasor estimation by means of frequency-domain and time-domain algorithms
D Belega, D Macii, D Petri
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 63 (2), 388-401, 2013
A frequency-domain procedure for accurate real-time signal parameter measurement
C Offelli, D Petri
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 39 (2), 363-368, 1990
Noise sensitivity of the ADC histogram test
P Carbone, D Petri
IMTC/98 Conference Proceedings. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement …, 1998
A/D converter performance analysis by a frequency-domain approach
L Benetazzo, C Narduzzi, C Offelli, D Petri
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 41 (6), 834-839, 1992
Frequency estimation by two-or three-point interpolated Fourier algorithms based on cosine windows
D Belega, D Petri
Signal Processing 117, 115-125, 2015
Remote didactic laboratory “g. savastano,” the italian experience for e-learning at the technical universities in the field of electrical and electronic measurement …
G Andria, A Baccigalupi, M Borsic, P Carbone, P Daponte, C De Capua, ...
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 56 (4), 1124-1134, 2007
Weighting effect on the discrete time Fourier transform of noisy signals
C Offelli, D Petri
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 40 (6), 972-981, 1991
Analysis of damped sinusoidal signals via a frequency-domain interpolation algorithm
M Bertocco, C Offelli, D Petri
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and measurement 43 (2), 245-250, 1994
Measurement fundamentals: a pragmatic view
L Mari, P Carbone, D Petri
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 61 (8), 2107-2115, 2012
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