Arash Pakbin
Arash Pakbin
Computer Science and Engineering, Texas A&M
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Prediction of ICU readmissions using data at patient discharge
A Pakbin, P Rafi, N Hurley, W Schulz, MH Krumholz, JB Mortazavi
2018 40th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2018
A human-centered wearable sensing platform with intelligent automated data annotation capabilities
R Solis, A Pakbin, A Akbari, BJ Mortazavi, R Jafari
Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things Design and …, 2019
Real-time mortality prediction using MIMIC-IV ICU data via boosted nonparametric hazards
Z Nowroozilarki, A Pakbin, J Royalty, DKK Lee, BJ Mortazavi
2021 IEEE EMBS international conference on biomedical and health informatics …, 2021
Uncertainty quantification for deep context-aware mobile activity recognition and unknown context discovery
Z Huo, A PakBin, X Chen, N Hurley, Y Yuan, X Qian, Z Wang, S Huang, ...
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 3894-3904, 2020
Interpretable deep learning framework for predicting all-cause 30-day ICU readmissions
P Rafi, A Pakbin, SK Pentyala
Texas A&M University, 2018
BoXHED: Boosted eXact Hazard Estimator with Dynamic covariates
X Wang, A Pakbin, B Mortazavi, H Zhao, D Lee
International Conference on Machine Learning, 9973-9982, 2020
BoXHED2. 0: Scalable boosting of dynamic survival analysis
A Pakbin, X Wang, BJ Mortazavi, DKK Lee
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.12591, 2021
Theory and software for boosted nonparametric hazard estimation
D Lee, N Chen, H Ishwaran, X Wang, A Pakbin, B Mortazavi, H Zhao
Survival Prediction-Algorithms, Challenges and Applications, 149-158, 2021
Predicting Real-time, Recurrent Adverse Invasive Ventilation from Clinical Data Streams
A Pakbin, Z Nowroozilarki, DKK Lee, BJ Mortazavi
2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN), 1-4, 2023
Realtime, multimodal invasive ventilation risk monitoring using language models and BoXHED
A Pakbin, A Su, DKK Lee, BJ Mortazavi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.03725, 2024
Context-aware Mixture of Deep Neural Networks
A Pakbin
Uncertainty Quantification for Deep Context-Aware Mobile Activity Recognition and Unknown Context Discovery
JM A Pakbin, A Samareh, X Chen, N Hurley, Y Yuan, S Huang, X Qian, A Wang
ICML Uncertainty and Robustness Estimation in Deep Learning Workshop, 2019
Predicting all-Cause 30-Day ICU Readmissions Using Robust Feature Selection
A Pakbin, P Rafi, S Subedi
Uncertainty Quantification for Deep Context-Aware Mobile Activity Recognition and Unknown Context Discovery
A Pakbin, A Samareh, X Chen, NC Hurley, Y Yuan, X Qian, Z Wang, ...
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