Can Erdogan
Can Erdogan
Amazon, Robotics AI
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Zitiert von
Planar segmentation of rgbd images using fast linear fitting and markov chain monte carlo
C Erdogan, M Paluri, F Dellaert
2012 Ninth Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, 32-39, 2012
Exploiting symmetries and extrusions for grasping household objects
AH Quispe, B Milville, MA Gutiérrez, C Erdogan, M Stilman, H Christensen, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3702-3708, 2015
Action selection via learning behavior patterns in multi-robot domains
C Erdogan, M Veloso
Proc. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 192-197, 2011
Planning in constraint space: Automated design of functional structures
C Erdogan, M Stilman
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1807-1812, 2013
Robots using environment objects as tools the ‘MacGyver’paradigm for mobile manipulation
M Stilman, M Zafar, C Erdogan, P Hou, S Reynolds-Haertle, G Tracy
2014 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 2568-2568, 2014
Coordination of intrinsic and extrinsic degrees of freedom in soft robotic grasping
C Erdogan, A Schröder, O Brock
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4251-4256, 2018
Autonomous design of functional structures
C Erdogan, M Stilman
Advanced Robotics 29 (9), 625-638, 2015
Autonomous realization of simple machines
C Erdogan, M Stilman
Experimental Robotics: The 14th International Symposium on Experimental …, 2016
Incorporating kinodynamic constraints in automated design of simple machines
C Erdogan, M Stilman
2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2014
Towards Stable Balancing
M Zafar, C Erdogan, M Stilman
Georgia Institute of Technology, Technical Report, 2014
CMDragons 2013 team description
J Biswas, JP Mendoza, D Zhu, PA Etling, S Klee, B Choi, M Licitra, ...
Proceedings of the 17th RoboCup International Symposium (May 2013), 2013
Planning in constraint space for multi-body manipulation tasks
C Erdogan
PhD thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016
Krang: Center of mass estimation
M Zafar, C Erdogan, K Volle, M Stilman
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014
Gravity and Drift in Force/Torque Measurements
C Erdogan, M Zafar, M Stilman
Krang Kinematics: A Denavit-Hartenberg Parameterization
C Erdogan, M Zafar, M Stilman
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014
Environmental Constraints Exploitation
E Páll, J Abele, A Sieverling, C Eppner, J Wortmann, C Erdogan, O Brock
Soft hand teleoperation
C Erdogan, A Schröder, C Eppner, O Brock
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