Nathan Ward
Nathan Ward
Psychology Department, Tufts University
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Who multi-tasks and why? Multi-tasking ability, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking
DM Sanbonmatsu, DL Strayer, N Medeiros-Ward, JM Watson
PloS one 8 (1), e54402, 2013
Assessing cognitive distraction in the automobile
DL Strayer, J Turrill, JM Cooper, JR Coleman, N Medeiros-Ward, F Biondi
Human factors 57 (8), 1300-1324, 2015
An investigation of driver distraction near the tipping point of traffic flow stability
JM Cooper, I Vladisavljevic, N Medeiros-Ward, PT Martin, DL Strayer
Human factors 51 (2), 261-268, 2009
The impact of eye movements and cognitive workload on lateral position variability in driving
JM Cooper, N Medeiros-Ward, DL Strayer
Human factors 55 (5), 1001-1014, 2013
Enhanced learning through multimodal training: evidence from a comprehensive cognitive, physical fitness, and neuroscience intervention
N Ward, E Paul, P Watson, GE Cooke, CH Hillman, NJ Cohen, AF Kramer, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 5808, 2017
Hierarchical control and driving.
N Medeiros-Ward, JM Cooper, DL Strayer
Journal of experimental psychology: General 143 (3), 953, 2014
The effects of cell phone and text message conversations on simulated street crossing
SE Banducci, N Ward, JG Gaspar, KR Schab, JA Crowell, H Kaczmarski, ...
Human factors 58 (1), 150-162, 2016
On supertaskers and the neural basis of efficient multitasking
N Medeiros-Ward, JM Watson, DL Strayer
Psychonomic bulletin & review 22, 876-883, 2015
The crosstalk hypothesis: why language interferes with driving.
B Bergen, N Medeiros-Ward, K Wheeler, F Drews, D Strayer
Journal of experimental psychology: general 142 (1), 119, 2013
Working memory, reasoning, and task switching training: Transfer effects, limitations, and great expectations?
PL Baniqued, CM Allen, MB Kranz, K Johnson, A Sipolins, C Dickens, ...
PLoS One 10 (11), e0142169, 2015
Language and memory improvements following tDCS of left lateral prefrontal cortex
EK Hussey, N Ward, K Christianson, AF Kramer
PloS one 10 (11), e0141417, 2015
Stereotype threat impairs older adult driving
AE Lambert, JM Watson, JK Stefanucci, N Ward, JZ Bakdash, DL Strayer
Applied Cognitive Psychology 30 (1), 22-28, 2016
Affect during incremental exercise: The role of inhibitory cognition, autonomic cardiac function, and cerebral oxygenation
WQA Da Silva, EB Fontes, RM Forti, ZL Lima, DGS Machado, ...
PloS one 12 (11), e0186926, 2017
Measuring the useful field of view during simulated driving with gaze-contingent displays
JG Gaspar, N Ward, MB Neider, J Crowell, R Carbonari, H Kaczmarski, ...
Human factors 58 (4), 630-641, 2016
Underload on the road: measuring vigilance decrements during partially automated driving
T McWilliams, N Ward
Frontiers in psychology 12, 631364, 2021
Why drivers use cell phones and support legislation to restrict this practice
DM Sanbonmatsu, DL Strayer, AA Behrends, N Ward, JM Watson
Accident Analysis & Prevention 92, 22-33, 2016
Effectiveness of a 16-week high-intensity cardioresistance training program in adults
TA Greenlee, DR Greene, NJ Ward, GE Reeser, CM Allen, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 31 (9), 2528-2541, 2017
Dissociable brain biomarkers of fluid intelligence
EJ Paul, RJ Larsen, A Nikolaidis, N Ward, CH Hillman, NJ Cohen, ...
NeuroImage 137, 201-211, 2016
Gender invariance in multitasking: A comment on Mäntylä (2013)
DL Strayer, N Medeiros-Ward, JM Watson
Psychological Science 24 (5), 809-810, 2013
Factors influencing barriers and facilitators to in-home video telehealth for dementia management
ME Gately, L Tickle-Degnen, JE McLaren, N Ward, K Ladin, LR Moo
Clinical Gerontologist 45 (4), 1020-1033, 2022
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