Gabi Sonderegger
Gabi Sonderegger
Senior Research Scientist at Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
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The influence of actor capacities on EIA system performance in low and middle income countries—Cases from Georgia and Ghana
AJ Kolhoff, HAC Runhaar, T Gugushvili, G Sonderegger, B Van der Leest, ...
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 57, 167-177, 2016
Why telecoupling research needs to account for environmental justice
S Boillat, A Martin, T Adams, D Daniel, J Llopis, E Zepharovich, ...
Journal of land use science 15 (1), 1-10, 2020
Developing context-specific frameworks for integrated sustainability assessment of agricultural intensity change: An application for Europe
V Diogo, J Helfenstein, F Mohr, V Varghese, N Debonne, C Levers, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 137, 128-142, 2022
Telecoupling visualizations through a network lens: a systematic review
G Sonderegger, C Oberlack, JC Llopis Sendino, PH Verburg, ...
Ecology and Society 25 (4), 2020
Governing spillovers of agricultural land use through voluntary sustainability standards: A coverage analysis of sustainability requirements
G Sonderegger, A Heinimann, V Diogo, C Oberlack
Earth System Governance 14, 100158, 2022
Toward spatial fit in the governance of global commodity flows
J Coenen, G Sonderegger, J Newig, P Meyfroidt, E Challies, SL Bager, ...
Ecology and Society 28 (2), 2023
Sustainable landscapes: How can the private sector contribute?
G Sonderegger, I Providoli, C Hett, E Bürgi, C Oberlack, G Zeleke
Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Switzerland, 2024
Explaining EIA performance in the water sector in Ghana: the role of capacities of the main actors
G Sonderegger
Advancing the design of private sector-led landscape initiatives: An analysis of scientific design principles and their application in practice
I Providoli, G Sonderegger, C Hett
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern …, 2023
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