Keith Smettem
Keith Smettem
Professorial Fellow
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Three‐dimensional analysis of infiltration from the disc infiltrometer: 2. Physically based infiltration equation
R Haverkamp, PJ Ross, KRJ Smettem, JY Parlange
Water Resources Research 30 (11), 2931-2935, 1994
A reactive soil moisture sensor network: Design and field evaluation
R Cardell-Oliver, M Kranz, K Smettem, K Mayer
International journal of distributed sensor networks 1 (2), 149-162, 2005
Infiltration theory for hydrologic applications
RE Smith
American Geophysical Union, 2002
Measuring unsaturated sorptivity and hydraulic conductivity using multiple disc permeameters
KRJ Smettem, BE Clothier
Journal of Soil Science 40 (3), 563-568, 1989
Describing soil hydraulic properties with sums of simple functions
PJ Ross, KRJ Smettem
Soil Science Society of America Journal 57 (1), 26-29, 1993
Soil water depletion by Eucalyptus spp. integrated into dryland agricultural systems
N Robinson, RJ Harper, KRJ Smettem
Plant and Soil 286, 141-151, 2006
Three‐dimensional analysis of infiltration from the disc infiltrometer: 1. A capillary‐based theory
KRJ Smettem, JY Parlange, PJ Ross, R Haverkamp
Water Resources Research 30 (11), 2925-2929, 1994
Field testing a wireless sensor network for reactive environmental monitoring [soil moisture measurement]
R Cardell-Oliver, K Smettem, M Kranz, K Mayer
Proceedings of the 2004 Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information …, 2004
Combining laboratory and field measurements to define the hydraulic properties of soil
BE Clothier, KRJ Smettem
Soil Science Society of America Journal 54 (2), 299-304, 1990
The effect of farm dams and constructed banks on hydrologic connectivity and runoff estimation in agricultural landscapes
JN Callow, KRJ Smettem
Environmental Modelling & Software 24 (8), 959-968, 2009
The potential of greenhouse sinks to underwrite improved land management
RJ Harper, AC Beck, P Ritson, MJ Hill, CD Mitchell, DJ Barrett, ...
Ecological Engineering 29 (4), 329-341, 2007
Relationships between soil properties and high-resolution radiometrics, central eastern Wheatbelt, Western Australia
MJ Taylor, K Smettem, G Pracilio, W Verboom
Exploration geophysics 33 (2), 95-102, 2002
Estimating the contribution of preferential flow to subsurface runoff from a hillslope using deuterium and chloride
FW Leaney, KRJ Smettem, DJ Chittleborough
Journal of Hydrology 147 (1-4), 83-103, 1993
Effect of rotation and conservation tillage of earthworms in a red-brown earth under wheat
AD Rovira, KRJ Smettem, KE Lee
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 38 (5), 829-834, 1987
A simple treatment of physical nonequilibrium water flow in soils
PJ Ross, KRJ Smettem
Soil Science Society of America Journal 64 (6), 1926-1930, 2000
Measuring the hydraulic properties of a stable aggregated soil
KRJ Smettem, C Kirkby
Journal of Hydrology 117 (1-4), 1-13, 1990
Determination of spatial distribution patterns of clay and plant available potassium contents in surface soils at the farm scale using high resolution gamma ray spectrometry
G Pracilio, ML Adams, KRJ Smettem, RJ Harper
Plant and soil 282, 67-82, 2006
The effect of water repellent soil surface layers on preferential flow and bare soil evaporation
CF Rye, KRJ Smettem
Geoderma 289, 142-149, 2017
The influence of macropores on runoff generation from a hillslope soil with a contrasting textural class
KRJ Smettem, DJ Chittleborough, BG Richards, FW Leaney
Journal of Hydrology 122 (1-4), 235-251, 1991
Multiple environmental services as an opportunity for watershed restoration
PV Townsend, RJ Harper, PD Brennan, C Dean, S Wu, KRJ Smettem, ...
Forest policy and Economics 17, 45-58, 2012
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