Raissa D'Souza
Raissa D'Souza
Professor, UC Davis
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Explosive percolation in random networks
D Achlioptas, RM D'souza, J Spencer
science 323 (5920), 1453-1455, 2009
Suppressing cascades of load in interdependent networks
CD Brummitt, RM D’Souza, EA Leicht
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 109 (12), E680-E689, 2012
Target control of complex networks
J Gao, YY Liu, RM D'souza, AL Barabási
Nature communications 5 (1), 1-8, 2014
Latent social structure in open source projects
C Bird, D Pattison, R D'Souza, V Filkov, P Devanbu
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations …, 2008
Transcriptome profiling of citrus fruit response to huanglongbing disease
F Martinelli, SL Uratsu, U Albrecht, RL Reagan, ML Phu, M Britton, ...
PloS one 7 (5), e38039, 2012
Explosive phenomena in complex networks
RM D'Souza, J Gómez-Gardenes, J Nagler, A Arenas
Advances in Physics 68 (3), 123-223, 2019
Anomalous critical and supercritical phenomena in explosive percolation
RM D’Souza, J Nagler
Nature Physics 11 (7), 531-538, 2015
Master stability functions for complete, intralayer, and interlayer synchronization in multiplex networks of coupled Rössler oscillators
L Tang, X Wu, J Lü, J Lu, RM D'Souza
Physical Review E 99 (1), 012304, 2019
Percolation on interacting networks
EA Leicht, RM D'Souza
arXiv preprint arXiv:0907.0894, 2009
Exotic states in a simple network of nanoelectromechanical oscillators
MH Matheny, J Emenheiser, W Fon, A Chapman, A Salova, M Rohden, ...
Science 363 (6431), eaav7932, 2019
Emergence of tempered preferential attachment from optimization
RM D'souza, C Borgs, JT Chayes, N Berger, RD Kleinberg
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (15), 6112-6117, 2007
Local cluster aggregation models of explosive percolation
RM D’Souza, M Mitzenmacher
Physical review letters 104 (19), 195702, 2010
Resilience and rewiring of the passenger airline networks in the United States
DR Wuellner, S Roy, RM D’Souza
Physical Review E 82 (5), 056101, 2010
Explosive percolation with multiple giant components
W Chen, RM D’Souza
Physical review letters 106 (11), 115701, 2011
Dual ecological measures of focus in software development
D Posnett, R D'Souza, P Devanbu, V Filkov
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 452-461, 2013
Coexisting phases and lattice dependence of a cellular automaton model for traffic flow
RM D’Souza
Physical Review E 71 (6), 066112, 2005
Controllability of multiplex, multi-time-scale networks
M Pósfai, J Gao, SP Cornelius, AL Barabási, RM D'Souza
Physical Review E 94 (3), 032316, 2016
Coupled catastrophes: sudden shifts cascade and hop among interdependent systems
CD Brummitt, G Barnett, RM D'Souza
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (112), 20150712, 2015
Transdisciplinary electric power grid science
CD Brummitt, PDH Hines, I Dobson, C Moore, RM D'Souza
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (30), 12159-12159, 2013
Social networks and travel behavior: Report from an integrated travel diary
J Silvis, D Niemeier, R D’Souza
11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Reserach, Kyoto, 2006
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