Ken Hodgkinson
Ken Hodgkinson
Honorary Research Fellow of Ecology, CSIRO Environment
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Landscape ecology, function and management: principles from Australia's rangelands
J Ludwig, D Tongway, K Hodgkinson, D Freudenberger, J Noble
Csiro Publishing, 1996
Influence of partial defoliation on photosynthesis, photorespiration and transpiration by lucerne leaves of different ages
KC Hodgkinson
Functional Plant Biology 1 (4), 561-578, 1974
Sprouting success of shrubs after fire: height-dependent relationships for different strategies
KC Hodgkinson
Oecologia 115, 64-72, 1998
The effects of fire on the soil in a degraded semiarid woodland. I. Cryptogam cover and physical and micromorphological properties
RSB Greene, CJ Chartres, KC Hodgkinson
Soil Research 28 (5), 755-777, 1990
The case for prescribed burning to control shrubs in eastern semi-arid woodlands.
KC Hodgkinson, GN Harrington
The Rangeland Journal 7 (2), 64-74, 1985
Comparative responses of the Savanna grasses Cenchrus ciliaris and Themeda triandra to defoliation
KC Hodgkinson, MM Ludlow, JJ Mott, Z Baruch
Oecologia 79 (1), 45-52, 1989
Shrub recruitment response to intensity and season of fire in a semi-arid woodland
KC Hodgkinson
Journal of Applied Ecology, 60-70, 1991
Mechanisms linking plant species richness to foraging of a large herbivore
L Wang, D Wang, Z He, G Liu, KC Hodgkinson
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (4), 868-875, 2010
Effect of defoliation on root growth of some arid zone perennial plants
KC Hodgkinson, HGB Becking
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 29 (1), 31-42, 1978
Influence of fire and edaphic factors on germination of the arid zone shrubs Acacia aneura, Cassia nemophila and Dodonaea viscosa
KC Hodgkinson, RE Oxley
Australian Journal of Botany 38 (3), 269-279, 1990
Management of vegetation with fire.
KC Hodgkinson, GN Harrington, GF Griffin, JC Noble, MD Young
The photosynthetic capacity of stubble leaves and their contribution to growth of the lucerne plant after low level cutting
KC Hodgkinson, NG Smith, GE Miles
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 23 (2), 225-238, 1972
Semi-arid woodlands.
GN Harrington, DMD Mills, AJ Pressland, KC Hodgkinson
Grass-mediated capture of resource flows and the maintenance of banded mulga in a semi-arid woodland
VJ Anderson, KC Hodgkinson
Australian Journal of Botany 45 (2), 331-342, 1997
Composition, spatial and temporal variability of the soil seed pool in a Eucalyptus populnea shrub woodland in central New South Wales
KC Hodgkinson, GN Harrington, GE Miles
Australian Journal of Ecology 5 (1), 23-29, 1980
The utilization of root organic compounds during the regeneration of lucerne
KC Hodgkinson
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 22 (5), 1113-1124, 1969
Adaptation of shrub species to fires in the arid zone
KC Hodgkinson, GF Griffin
Evolution of the flora and fauna of arid Australia/edited by WR Barker and …, 1982
The shrubs of poplar box (Eucalyptus populnea) lands and their biology.
KC Hodgkinson
The Rangeland Journal 1 (4), 280-293, 1976
Fire regimes in Acacia wooded landscapes: effects on functional processes and biological diversity.
KC Hodgkinson
Water relations and growth of shrubs before and after fire in a semi-arid woodland
KC Hodgkinson
Oecologia 90, 467-473, 1992
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