Keiko Udo
Keiko Udo
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tohoku University
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Application of 2D numerical simulation for the analysis of the February 2014 Bolivian Amazonia flood: Application of the new HEC-RAS version 5
VM Quirogaa, S Kurea, K Udoa, A Manoa
Ribagua 3 (1), 25-33, 2016
Coastal and estuarine morphology changes induced by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Tsunami
H Tanaka, NX Tinh, M Umeda, R Hirao, E Pradjoko, A Mano, K Udo
Coastal Engineering Journal 54 (1), 1250010-1-1250010-25, 2012
Impact of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami on beach morphology along the northern Sendai coast
K Udo, D Sugawara, H Tanaka, K Imai, A Mano
Coastal Engineering Journal 54 (01), 1250009, 2012
Downscaling global weather forecast outputs using ANN for flood prediction
N Do Hoai, K Udo, A Mano
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2011 (1), 246286, 2011
Future projection of flood inundation considering land-use changes and land subsidence in Jakarta, Indonesia
IR Moe, S Kure, NF Januriyadi, M Farid, K Udo, S Kazama, S Koshimura
Hydrological Research Letters 11 (2), 99-105, 2017
Observations of wind‐blown sand under various meteorological conditions at a beach
K Udo, Y Kuriyama, DWT Jackson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 113 (F4), 2008
Projections of future beach loss in Japan due to sea-level rise and uncertainties in projected beach loss
K Udo, Y Takeda
Coastal Engineering Journal 59 (02), 1740006, 2017
A review of climate-change impact and adaptation studies for the water sector in Thailand
M Kiguchi, K Takata, N Hanasaki, B Archevarahuprok, A Champathong, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (2), 023004, 2021
Experimental study of blown sand in a vegetated area
K Udo, S Takewaka
Journal of Coastal Research 23 (5), 1175-1182, 2007
Ten years after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake and tsunami: Geological and environmental effects and implications for disaster policy changes
K Goto, T Ishizawa, Y Ebina, F Imamura, S Sato, K Udo
Earth-Science Reviews 212, 103417, 2021
Investigation of tsunami propagation characteristics in river and on land induced by the Great East Japan Earthquake 2011
MB Adityawan, M Roh, H Tanaka, A Mano, K Udo
Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 6 (03), 1250033, 2012
Short‐term flood inundation prediction using hydrologic‐hydraulic models forced with downscaled rainfall from global NWP
DH Nam, DT Mai, K Udo, A Mano
Hydrological Processes 28 (24), 5844-5859, 2014
Projections of future beach loss due to sea level rise for sandy beaches along Thailand's coastlines
S Ritphring, C Somphong, K Udo, S Kazama
Journal of Coastal Research, 541-545, 2018
Effect of land subsidence on flood inundation in Jakarta, Indonesia
IR Moe, S Kure, NF Januriyadi, M Farid, K Udo, S Kazama, S Koshimura
土木学会論文集 G (環境) 72 (5), I_283-I_289, 2016
Coastal adaptation to Sea Level Rise: An overview of Egypt's efforts
M Sharaan, M Iskander, K Udo
Ocean & Coastal Management 218, 106024, 2022
New method for estimation of aeolian sand transport rate using ceramic sand flux sensor (UD-101)
K Udo
Sensors 9 (11), 9058-9072, 2009
An assessment of measured and computed depth of closure around Japan
K Udo, R Ranasinghe, Y Takeda
Scientific reports 10 (1), 2987, 2020
Several social factors contributing to floods and characteristics of the January 2013 flood in Jakarta, Indonesia
S Kure, M Farid, Y Fukutani, A Muhari, JD Bricker, K Udo, A Mano
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G 70 (5), 2014
Coastal morphology change before and after 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake tsunami at Rikuzen-Takata coast
K Udo, Y Takeda, H Tanaka
Coastal Engineering Journal 58 (4), 1640016-1-1640016-16, 2016
Impact of sea level rise on tourism carrying capacity in Thailand
P Nidhinarangkoon, S Ritphring, K Udo
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (2), 104, 2020
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