Konrad Schenk
Konrad Schenk
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Long-term vehicle motion prediction
C Hermes, C Wohler, K Schenk, F Kummert
2009 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium, 652-657, 2009
View invariant appearance-based person reidentification using fast online feature selection and score level fusion
M Eisenbach, A Kolarow, K Schenk, K Debes, HM Gross
2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based …, 2012
Automatic calibration of a stationary network of laser range finders by matching movement trajectories
K Schenk, A Kolarow, M Eisenbach, K Debes, HM Gross
2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2012
Comparison of laser-based person tracking at feet and upper-body height
K Schenk, M Eisenbach, A Kolarow, HM Gross
KI 2011: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 34th Annual German Conference …, 2011
Vision-based hyper-real-time object tracker for robotic applications
A Kolarow, M Brauckmann, M Eisenbach, K Schenk, E Einhorn, K Debes, ...
2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2012
APFel: The intelligent video analysis and surveillance system for assisting human operators
A Kolarow, K Schenk, M Eisenbach, M Dose, M Brauckmann, K Debes, ...
2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2013
Automatic calibration of multiple stationary laser range finders using trajectories
K Schenk, A Kolarow, M Eisenbach, K Debes, HM Gross
2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based …, 2012
Learning Illumination Maps for Color Constancy in Person Reidentification
M Eisenbach, P Scheiner, A Kolarow, K Schenk, HM Gross, I Weinreich
Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung (FWS). GFaI, S, 103-114, 2013
Contribution to the long term prediction of motion trajectories
K Schenk
Technische Universität Ilmenau, 2018
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