Ravi Namani
Ravi Namani
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Measurements of mechanical anisotropy in brain tissue and implications for transversely isotropic material models of white matter
Y Feng, RJ Okamoto, R Namani, GM Genin, PV Bayly
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 23, 117-132, 2013
Elastic characterization of transversely isotropic soft materials by dynamic shear and asymmetric indentation
R Namani, Y Feng, RJ Okamoto, N Jesuraj, SE Sakiyama-Elbert, ...
Anisotropic mechanical properties of magnetically aligned fibrin gels measured by magnetic resonance elastography
R Namani, MD Wood, SE Sakiyama-Elbert, PV Bayly
Journal of biomechanics 42 (13), 2047-2053, 2009
Poroviscoelastic cartilage properties in the mouse from indentation
S Chiravarambath, NK Simha, R Namani, JL Lewis
Integrative model of coronary flow in anatomically based vasculature under myogenic, shear, and metabolic regulation
R Namani, GS Kassab, Y Lanir
Journal of General Physiology, 2017
Effects of mechanical dyssynchrony on coronary flow: insights from a computational model of coupled coronary perfusion with systemic circulation
L Fan, R Namani, JS Choy, GS Kassab, LC Lee
Frontiers in physiology 11, 915, 2020
Effects of myocardial function and systemic circulation on regional coronary perfusion
R Namani, LC Lee, Y Lanir, B Kaimovitz, SM Shavik, GS Kassab
Journal of Applied Physiology 128 (5), 1106-1122, 2020
Reliability of structure tensors in representing soft tissues structure
Y Lanir, R Namani
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 46, 222-228, 2015
Shear wave propagation in anisotropic soft tissues and gels
R Namani, PV Bayly
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
Inverse finite element analysis of indentation tests to determine hyperelastic parameters of soft-tissue layers
R Namani, N Simha
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 44 (5), 347-362, 2009
Transmural distribution of coronary perfusion and myocardial work density due to alterations in ventricular loading, geometry and contractility
L Fan, R Namani, JS Choy, GS Kassab, LC Lee
Frontiers in Physiology 12, 744855, 2021
Application of the virtual fields method to magnetic resonance elastography data
F Pierron, PV Bayly, R Namani
Application of Imaging Techniques to Mechanics of Materials and Structures …, 2012
Role of coronary flow regulation and cardiac-coronary coupling in mechanical dyssynchrony associated with right ventricular pacing
L Fan, R Namani, JS Choy, Y Awakeem, GS Kassab, LC Lee
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 320 (3 …, 2021
Morphometric reconstruction of coronary vasculature incorporating uniformity of flow dispersion
R Namani, GS Kassab, Y Lanir
Frontiers in physiology 9, 1069, 2018
Role of coronary myogenic response in pressure-flow autoregulation in swine: a meta-analysis with coronary flow modeling
GM Dick, R Namani, B Patel, GS Kassab
Frontiers in Physiology 9, 580, 2018
Measurement of brain biomechanics in vivo by magnetic resonance imaging
PV Bayly, EH Clayton, Y Feng, T Abney, R Namani, RJ Okamoto, ...
Application of imaging techniques to mechanics of materials and structures …, 2013
Overview of mathematical modeling of myocardial blood flow regulation
R Namani, Y Lanir, LC Lee, GS Kassab
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 318 (4 …, 2020
Inverse finite element methods for extracting elastic-poroviscoelastic properties of cartilage and other soft tissues from indentation
R Namani
University of Miami, 2006
Nonlinear elastic parameters of articular cartilage
R Namani, NK Simha, JL Lewis
Bioengineering Conference, Sonesta Beach Resort in Key Biscayne, Florida, 2003
Anisotropic mechanical properties of brain tissue characterized by indentation and shear tests
Y Feng, R Namani, RJ Okamoto, GM Genin, PV Bayly
SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, 2012
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