françois Jouen
françois Jouen
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. EPHE-PSL
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“Are we ready for robots that care for us?” Attitudes and opinions of older adults toward socially assistive robots
M Pino, M Boulay, F Jouen, AS Rigaud
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 7, 141, 2015
Do young children acquire number words through subitizing or counting?
L Benoit, H Lehalle, F Jouen
Cognitive development 19 (3), 291-307, 2004
Optic flow sensitivity in neonates
F Jouen, JC Lepecq, O Gapenne, BI Bertenthal
Infant Behavior and Development 23 (3-4), 271-284, 2000
The emergence of motor imagery in children
M Molina, C Tijus, F Jouen
Journal of experimental child psychology 99 (3), 196-209, 2008
Modulation of the palmar grasp behavior in neonates according to texture property
M Molina, F Jouen
Infant Behavior and Development 21 (4), 659-666, 1998
From armchair to wheelchair: how patients with a locked-in syndrome integrate bodily changes in experienced identity
MC Nizzi, A Demertzi, O Gosseries, MA Bruno, F Jouen, S Laureys
Consciousness and cognition 21 (1), 431-437, 2012
Young children’s mapping between arrays, number words, and digits
L Benoit, H Lehalle, M Molina, C Tijus, F Jouen
Cognition 129 (1), 95-101, 2013
Visual-proprioceptive control of posture in newborn infants
F Jouen
Posture and gait: Development, adaptation and modulation, 59-65, 1988
Differential roles of cerebellar cortex and deep cerebellar nuclei in learning and retention of a spatial task: studies in intact and cerebellectomized lurcher mutant mice
P Hilber, F Jouen, N Delhaye-Bouchaud, J Mariani, J Caston
Behavior genetics 28, 299-308, 1998
Role of an enriched environment on the restoration of behavioral deficits in Lurcher mutant mice
J Caston, B Devulder, F Jouen, R Lalonde, N Delhaye‐Bouchaud, ...
Developmental Psychobiology: The Journal of the International Society for …, 1999
Manual cyclical activity as an exploratory tool in neonates
M Molina, F Jouen
Infant Behavior and Development 27 (1), 42-53, 2004
Exploration of the newborn's manual activity: A window onto early cognitive processes
F Jouen, M Molina
Infant Behavior and Development 28 (3), 227-239, 2005
Early visual-vestibular interactions and postural development
F Jouen
Sensory-Motor Organizations and Development in Infancy and Early Childhood …, 1990
Visual-vestibular interactions in infancy
F Jouen
Infant Behavior and Development 7 (2), 135-145, 1984
Interactions between the vestibular and visual systems in the neonate
F Jouen, O Gapenne
The Self In Infancy-Theory and Research, 277-301, 1995
Influence of cholinergic system on motor learning during aging in mice
R Thouvarecq, P Protais, F Jouen, J Caston
Behavioural brain research 118 (2), 209-218, 2001
Psychologie novorozence: Chování nejmenšího dítěte a jeho poznávání
V Pouthas, F Jouen
Grada Publishing, 2000
Modulation of manual activity by vision in human newborns
M Molina, F Jouen
Developmental Psychobiology: The Journal of the International Society for …, 2001
Haptic intramodal comparison of texture in human neonates
M Molina, F Jouen
Developmental Psychobiology: The Journal of the International Society for …, 2003
Appearance-based gaze tracking with spectral clustering and semi-supervised gaussian process regression
K Liang, Y Chahir, M Molina, C Tijus, F Jouen
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Eye Tracking South Africa, 17-23, 2013
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