Zihao Zhou
Zihao Zhou
Ph.D student, University of Oxford
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A fast screening framework for second-life batteries based on an improved bisecting K-means algorithm combined with fast pulse test
Z Zhou, A Ran, S Chen, X Zhang, G Wei, B Li, F Kang, X Zhou, H Sun
Journal of Energy Storage 31, 101739, 2020
Data‐driven fast clustering of second‐life lithium‐ion battery: mechanism and algorithm
A Ran, Z Zhou, S Chen, P Nie, K Qian, Z Li, B Li, H Sun, F Kang, X Zhang, ...
Advanced Theory and Simulations 3 (8), 2000109, 2020
A gradient screening approach for retired lithium-ion batteries based on X-ray computed tomography images
A Ran, S Chen, S Zhang, S Liu, Z Zhou, P Nie, K Qian, L Fang, SX Zhao, ...
RSC advances 10 (32), 19117-19123, 2020
Fast Remaining Capacity Estimation for Lithium‐ion Batteries Based on Short‐time Pulse Test and Gaussian Process Regression
A Ran, M Cheng, S Chen, Z Liang, Z Zhou, G Zhou, F Kang, X Zhang, B Li, ...
Energy & Environmental Materials 6 (3), e12386, 2023
Predicting battery lifetime under varying usage conditions from early aging data
T Li, Z Zhou, A Thelen, DA Howey, C Hu
Cell Reports Physical Science 5 (4), 2024
Bayesian hierarchical modelling for battery lifetime early prediction
Z Zhou, DA Howey
IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (2), 6117-6123, 2023
Few-shot cross domain battery capacity estimation
Z Zhou, A Ran, S Chen, G Wei, H Sun, X Zhang, Y Li
Adjunct Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Joint Conference on …, 2021
Learning operando impedance function for battery health with aging-aware equivalent circuit model
Z Zihao, A Aitio, D Howey
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.06639, 2024
Data-based Energy Storage System Configuration and Operation Considering Degradation Cost
X Wang, Z Zhou, X Zhang, W Wu
2020 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC), 1981-1988, 2020
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