Bryan Lewis
Bryan Lewis
Biocomplexity, University of Virginia
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Modeling targeted layered containment of an influenza pandemic in the United States
ME Halloran, NM Ferguson, S Eubank, IM Longini Jr, DAT Cummings, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (12), 4639-4644, 2008
What factors might have led to the emergence of Ebola in West Africa?
KA Alexander, CE Sanderson, M Marathe, BL Lewis, CM Rivers, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 9 (6), e0003652, 2015
Modeling the impact of interventions on an epidemic of Ebola in Sierra Leone and Liberia
CM Rivers, ET Lofgren, M Marathe, S Eubank, BL Lewis
PLoS currents 6, 2014
Generation and analysis of large synthetic social contact networks
CL Barrett, RJ Beckman, M Khan, VSA Kumar, MV Marathe, PE Stretz, ...
Proceedings of the 2009 winter simulation conference (WSC), 1003-1014, 2009
Mathematical models for covid-19 pandemic: a comparative analysis
A Adiga, D Dubhashi, B Lewis, M Marathe, S Venkatramanan, A Vullikanti
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 100 (4), 793-807, 2020
Methods of using real-time social media technologies for detection and remote monitoring of HIV outcomes
SD Young, C Rivers, B Lewis
Preventive medicine 63, 112-115, 2014
Commentary on Ferguson, et al.,“Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand”
S Eubank, I Eckstrand, B Lewis, S Venkatramanan, M Marathe, CL Barrett
Bulletin of mathematical biology 82, 1-7, 2020
Ethical research standards in a world of big data
CM Rivers, BL Lewis
F1000Research 3, 38, 2014
Using data-driven agent-based models for forecasting emerging infectious diseases
S Venkatramanan, B Lewis, J Chen, D Higdon, A Vullikanti, M Marathe
Epidemics 22, 43-49, 2018
Results from the centers for disease control and prevention’s predict the 2013–2014 Influenza Season Challenge
M Biggerstaff, D Alper, M Dredze, S Fox, ICH Fung, KS Hickmann, ...
BMC infectious diseases 16, 1-10, 2016
Modeling of future COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, by vaccination rates and nonpharmaceutical intervention scenarios—United States, April–September 2021
RK Borchering
MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 70, 2021
Mathematical models: A key tool for outbreak response
ET Lofgren, ME Halloran, CM Rivers, JM Drake, TC Porco, B Lewis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (51), 18095-18096, 2014
Multidrug resistance among persons with tuberculosis in California, 1994-2003
RM Granich, P Oh, B Lewis, TC Porco, J Flood
Jama 293 (22), 2732-2739, 2005
Modeling of wildlife-associated zoonoses: applications and caveats
KA Alexander, BL Lewis, M Marathe, S Eubank, JK Blackburn
Vector-borne and zoonotic diseases 12 (12), 1005-1018, 2012
Forecasting a moving target: Ensemble models for ILI case count predictions
P Chakraborty, P Khadivi, B Lewis, A Mahendiran, J Chen, P Butler, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 SIAM international conference on data mining, 262-270, 2014
Transmission network analysis in tuberculosis contact investigations
VJ Cook, SJ Sun, J Tapia, SQ Muth, DF Argüello, BL Lewis, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 196 (10), 1517-1527, 2007
The ecology of pathogen spillover and disease emergence at the human-wildlife-environment interface
KA Alexander, CJ Carlson, BL Lewis, WM Getz, MV Marathe, SG Eubank, ...
The connections between ecology and infectious disease, 267-298, 2018
Epidemiological and economic impact of COVID-19 in the US
J Chen, A Vullikanti, J Santos, S Venkatramanan, S Hoops, H Mortveit, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 20451, 2021
Distribution of vaccine/antivirals and the ‘least spread line’in a stratified population
E Goldstein, A Apolloni, B Lewis, JC Miller, M Macauley, S Eubank, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 7 (46), 755-764, 2010
A study of information diffusion over a realistic social network model
A Apolloni, K Channakeshava, L Durbeck, M Khan, C Kuhlman, B Lewis, ...
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 4 …, 2009
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