Satomi Sugaya
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Multiple equilibria in a cloud‐resolving model using the weak temperature gradient approximation
SL Sessions, S Sugaya, DJ Raymond, AH Sobel
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D12), 2010
Reaction-diffusion theory in the presence of an attractive harmonic potential
K Spendier, S Sugaya, VM Kenkre
Physical Review E 88 (6), 062142, 2013
Theory of the transmission of infection in the spread of epidemics: Interacting random walkers with and without confinement
VM Kenkre, S Sugaya
Bulletin of mathematical biology 76 (12), 3016-3027, 2014
Fast swept volume estimation with deep learning
HTL Chiang, A Faust, S Sugaya, L Tapia
Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XIII: Proceedings of the 13th Workshop …, 2020
Analysis of transmission of infection in epidemics: Confined random walkers in dimensions higher than one
S Sugaya, VM Kenkre
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 80, 3106-3126, 2018
Defensive escort teams for navigation in crowds via multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
YA Hasan, A Garg, S Sugaya, L Tapia
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (4), 5645-5652, 2020
Comparison of deep reinforcement learning policies to formal methods for moving obstacle avoidance
A Garg, HTL Chiang, S Sugaya, A Faust, L Tapia
2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2019
Deep prediction of swept volume geometries: Robots and resolutions
J Baxter, MR Yousefi, S Sugaya, M Morales, L Tapia
2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2020
Fast deep swept volume estimator
HTL Chiang, JEG Baxter, S Sugaya, MR Yousefi, A Faust, L Tapia
The International Journal of Robotics Research 40 (10-11), 1068-1086, 2021
Modeling nonlinear dynamic system in RKHS through the Koopman operator
S Sugaya, Y Susuki, A Ishigame, A Mammoli, M Martinez-Ramon
IEICE Proceedings Series 29 (A1L-A-4), 2017
The Smoluchowski equation in population dynamics and the spread of infection
S Sugaya
The University of New Mexico, 2016
Multitask and Transfer Learning of Geometric Robot Motion
S Sugaya, MR Yousefi, AR Ferdinand, M Morales, L Tapia
2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2021
Exploring Learning for Intercepting Projectiles with a Robot-Held Stick
JEG Baxter, T Adamson, S Sugaya, L Tapia
2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2021
Self-Organized Criticality, phase transition, and the moisture and rain rate in the tropics
S Sugaya, J Galewsky, S Sessions
APS Four Corners Section Meeting Abstracts, D1. 033, 2012
Investigating the relationship between tropical precipitation and water vapor in a cloud resolving model
S Sugaya, NM Socorro, SL Sessions, DJ Raymond
29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology (10-14 May 2010), 2010
Testing the SOC Hypothesis of Tropical Precipitation Using a Cloud Resolving Model
S Sugaya
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 2010
The Evolution of the 44i Bootes Eclipsing Binary System over 90 Years
KK Jorgensen, S Sugaya, J Kopp, S Henderson, T Olsen
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts# 209 209, 254.11, 2007
Recent Observations of the Eclipsing Binary Star System: 44i-Bootes
C Thompson, S Henderson, S Sugaya, T Olsen
APS Northwest Section Meeting Abstracts 8, C1. 013, 2006
Measurement and Interpretation of Light Curves for the Eclipsing Binary Star System 44i-Bootes
S Sugaya, S Henderson, K Jorgensen, J Kopp, T Olsen, C Thompson
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 207, 186.07, 2005
Ongoing Observations and Interpretation of Light Curves of a Eclipsing Binary Star System: 44I-Bootes
K Jorgensen, S Sugaya, T Olsen, C Thompson
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2005
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