Jorge F. Silva
Jorge F. Silva
University of Chile, Department of Electrical Engineering
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Particle-filtering-based prognosis framework for energy storage devices with a statistical characterization of state-of-health regeneration phenomena
BE Olivares, MAC Munoz, ME Orchard, JF Silva
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 62 (2), 364-376, 2012
Speech index pruning
CI Chelba, A Acero, JFS Sanchez
US Patent 7,831,428, 2010
Particle-Filtering-Based Discharge Time Prognosis for Lithium-Ion Batteries With a Statistical Characterization of Use Profiles
DA Pola, HF Navarrete, ME Orchard, RS Rabié, MA Cerda, BE Olivares, ...
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 64 (2), 710-720, 2015
Soft indexing of speech content for search in spoken documents
C Chelba, JF Silva, A Acero
Computer Speech & Language 21 (3), 458-478, 2007
Average divergence distance as a statistical discrimination measure for hidden Markov models
JF Silva, S Narayanan
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 14 (3), 890-906, 2006
Analysis and design of Wavelet-Packet Cepstral coefficients for automatic speech recognition
E Pavez, JF Silva
Speech Communication 54 (6), 814-835, 2012
Indexing and searching speech with text meta-data
A Acero, CI Chelba, JFS Sanchez
US Patent 7,809,568, 2010
Pronunciation verification of children²s speech for automatic literacy assessment.
J Tepperman, JF Silva, A Kazemzadeh, H You, S Lee, A Alwan, ...
New opportunities offered by Cubesats for space research in Latin America: The SUCHAI project case
MA Diaz, JC Zagal, C Falcon, M Stepanova, JA Valdivia, ...
Advances in Space Research 58 (10), 2134-2147, 2016
Analysis and Interpretation of the Cramér-Rao Lower-Bound in Astrometry: One-Dimensional Case
RA Mendez, JF Silva, R Lobos
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 125 (927), 580, 2013
Discriminative wavelet packet filter bank selection for pattern recognition
JF Silva, SS Narayanan
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (5), 1796-1810, 2009
Orbits for 18 Visual Binaries and Two Double-line Spectroscopic Binaries Observed with HRCAM on the CTIO SOAR 4 m Telescope, Using a New Bayesian Orbit Code Based on Markov …
RA Mendez, RM Claveria, ME Orchard, JF Silva
The Astronomical Journal 154 (5), 187, 2017
Information divergence estimation based on data-dependent partitions
JF Silva, SS Narayanan
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 140 (11), 3180-3198, 2010
Information-Theoretic Measures and Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Detection of Regeneration Phenomena in the Degradation of Lithium-Ion Battery Cells
ME Orchard, MS Lacalle, BE Olivares, JF Silva, R Palma-Behnke, ...
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 64 (2), 701-709, 2015
Sequential Monte Carlo methods for Discharge Time Prognosis in Lithium-Ion Batteries
ME Orchard, MA Cerda, BE Olivares, JF Silva
International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management 3 (2), 1-12, 2012
Analysis of the Cramér-Rao Bound in the Joint Estimation of Astrometry and Photometry
RA Mendez, JF Silva, R Orostica, R Lobos
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 126 (942), 798, 2014
Nonproduct data-dependent partitions for mutual information estimation: strong consistency and applications
JF Silva, S Narayanan
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 58 (7), 3497-3511, 2010
Automatic detection of voice onset time contrasts for use in pronunciation assessment.
A Kazemzadeh, J Tepperman, JF Silva, H You, S Lee, A Alwan, ...
Interspeech, 2006
Tactical language detection and modeling of learner speech errors: The case of Arabic tactical language training for American English speakers
N Mote, L Johnson, A Sethy, JF Silva, S Narayanan
InSTIL/ICALL Symposium 2004, 2004
Lithium-Ion Battery End-of-Discharge Time Estimation and Prognosis based on Bayesian Algorithms and Outer Feedback Correction Loops: A Comparative Analysis
C Tampier, A Pérez, F Jaramillo, V Quintero, ME Orchard, JF Silva
the Annual Conference of the Prognostic and Health Management Society, 2015
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