Meghan Darling-White
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Effect of Parkinson’s disease on the production of structured and unstructured speaking tasks: Respiratory physiologic and linguistic considerations
JE Huber, M Darling
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2011
Increased vocal intensity due to the Lombard effect in speakers with Parkinson's disease: Simultaneous laryngeal and respiratory strategies
ET Stathopoulos, JE Huber, K Richardson, J Kamphaus, D DeCicco, ...
Journal of communication disorders 48, 1-17, 2014
Impact of typical aging and Parkinson’s disease on the relationship among breath pausing, syntax, and punctuation
JE Huber, M Darling, EJ Francis, D Zhang
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville, MD, 2012
Changes to articulatory kinematics in response to loudness cues in individuals with Parkinson’s disease
M Darling, JE Huber
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2011
Achieving participation-focused intervention through shared decision making: Proposal of an age-and disorder-generic framework
C Baylor, M Darling-White
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 29 (3), 1335-1360, 2020
The impact of expiratory muscle strength training on speech breathing in individuals with Parkinson's disease: A preliminary study
M Darling-White, JE Huber
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 26 (4), 1159-1166, 2017
Characteristics of speech rate in children with cerebral palsy: A longitudinal study
M Darling-White, A Sakash, KC Hustad
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 61 (10), 2502-2515, 2018
Longitudinal Changes in Speech Breathing in Older Adults with and without Parkinson's Disease
JE Huber, M Darling-White
Seminars in Speech and Language 38 (03), 200-209, 2017
The relationship between intermittent limit cycles and postural instability associated with Parkinson's disease
JR Chagdes, JE Huber, M Saletta, M Darling-White, A Raman, S Rietdyk, ...
Journal of Sport and Health Science 5 (1), 14-24, 2016
Speech rate varies with sentence length in typically developing children
M Darling-White, SW Banks
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 64 (6S), 2385-2391, 2021
The impact of Parkinson's disease on breath pauses and their relationship to speech impairment: A longitudinal study
M Darling-White, JE Huber
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 29 (4), 1910-1922, 2020
A descriptive study of speech breathing in children with cerebral palsy during two types of connected speech tasks
S Kovacs, M Darling-White
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 65 (12), 4557-4576, 2022
Swallowing and motor speech skills in unilateral cerebral palsy: Novel findings from a preliminary cross-sectional study
GA Malandraki, SS Mitchell, RE Hahn Arkenberg, B Brown, BΑ Craig, ...
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 65 (9), 3300-3315, 2022
Differential impacts of sentence length on speech rate in two groups of children with neurodevelopmental disorders
M Darling-White, A Jaeger
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 32 (3), 1083-1098, 2023
Comparison of respiratory calibration methods for the estimation of lung volume in children with and without neuromotor disorders
M Darling-White
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 65 (2), 525-537, 2022
Toward a measure of communicative participation for children with developmental speech disorders
M Darling-White
Seminars in speech and language 38 (03), 184-190, 2017
Longitudinal effects of Parkinson's disease on speech breathing during an extemporaneous connected speech task
M Darling-White, Z Anspach, JE Huber
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 65 (4), 1402-1415, 2022
Sentence Length Effects on Intelligibility in Two Groups of Older Children With Neurodevelopmental Disorders
M Darling-White, R Polkowitz
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 32 (5), 2297-2310, 2023
The effects of speech task on lexical stress in Parkinson's disease
AH Exner, AL Francis, MK MacPherson, M Darling-White, JE Huber
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 32 (2), 506-522, 2023
The Impact of Clear and Loud Speech Cues on Acoustic and Perceptual Features of Speech Production in Adolescents With Down Syndrome
M Darling-White, A McHugh
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 34 (1), 201-217, 2025
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