kecheng zheng
kecheng zheng
Ant Group
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Group-aware label transfer for domain adaptive person re-identification
K Zheng, W Liu, L He, T Mei, J Luo, ZJ Zha
CVPR, 5310-5319, 2021
Exploiting sample uncertainty for domain adaptive person re-identification
K Zheng, C Lan, W Zeng, Z Zhang, ZJ Zha
AAAI 35 (4), 3538-3546, 2021
Cloth-changing person re-identification from a single image with gait prediction and regularization
X Jin, T He, K Zheng, Z Yin, X Shen, Z Huang, R Feng, J Huang, Z Chen, ...
CVPR, 14278-14287, 2022
Hierarchical gumbel attention network for text-based person search
K Zheng, W Liu, J Liu, ZJ Zha, T Mei
ACM MM, 3441-3449, 2020
Modality-adaptive mixup and invariant decomposition for RGB-infrared person re-identification
Z Huang, J Liu, L Li, K Zheng, ZJ Zha
AAAI 36 (1), 1034-1042, 2022
Abstract reasoning with distracting features
K Zheng, ZJ Zha, W Wei
NeurIPS 32, 2019
Spatial-temporal correlation and topology learning for person re-identification in videos
J Liu, ZJ Zha, W Wu, K Zheng, Q Sun
CVPR, 4370-4379, 2021
Cones: Concept neurons in diffusion models for customized generation
Z Liu, R Feng, K Zhu, Y Zhang, K Zheng, Y Liu, D Zhao, J Zhou, Y Cao
ICML, 2023
Pose-guided feature learning with knowledge distillation for occluded person re-identification
K Zheng, C Lan, W Zeng, J Liu, Z Zhang, ZJ Zha
ACM MM, 4537-4545, 2021
Cones 2: Customizable Image Synthesis with Multiple Subjects
Z Liu, Y Zhang, Y Shen, K Zheng, K Zhu, R Feng, Y Liu, D Zhao, J Zhou, ...
NeurIPS, 2023
Codef: Content deformation fields for temporally consistent video processing
H Ouyang, Q Wang, Y Xiao, Q Bai, J Zhang, K Zheng, X Zhou, Q Chen, ...
CVPR, 2024
Unleashing potential of unsupervised pre-training with intra-identity regularization for person re-identification
Z Yang, X Jin, K Zheng, F Zhao
CVPR, 14298-14307, 2022
Fastreid: a pytorch toolbox for real-world person re-identification
L He, X Liao, W Liu, X Liu, P Cheng, T Mei
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.02631 1 (7), 6, 2020
Debiased batch normalization via gaussian process for generalizable person re-identification
J Liu, Z Huang, L Li, K Zheng, ZJ Zha
AAAI 36 (2), 1729-1737, 2022
Rank diminishing in deep neural networks
R Feng, K Zheng, Y Huang, D Zhao, M Jordan, ZJ Zha
NeurIPS 35, 33054-33065, 2022
Semi-supervised domain generalizable person re-identification
L He, W Liu, J Liang, K Zheng, X Liao, P Cheng, T Mei
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.05045, 2021
La-net: Layout-aware dense network for monocular depth estimation
K Zheng, ZJ Zha, Y Cao, X Chen, F Wu
ACM MM, 1381-1388, 2018
Temporal complementarity-guided reinforcement learning for image-to-video person re-identification
W Wu, J Liu, K Zheng, Q Sun, ZJ Zha
CVPR, 7319-7328, 2022
Stacked convolutional deep encoding network for video-text retrieval
R Zhao, K Zheng, Z Zha
ICME, 1-6, 2020
Uncertainty-Aware Optimal Transport for Semantically Coherent Out-of-Distribution Detection
F Lu, K Zhu, W Zhai, K Zheng, Y Cao
CVPR, 3282-3291, 2023
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