Raphael Patcas
Raphael Patcas
Clinic of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, University of Zurich
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Accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography at different resolutions assessed on the bony covering of the mandibular anterior teeth
R Patcas, L Müller, O Ullrich, T Peltomäki
American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics 141 (1), 41-50, 2012
Applying artificial intelligence to assess the impact of orthognathic treatment on facial attractiveness and estimated age
R Patcas, DAJ Bernini, A Volokitin, E Agustsson, R Rothe, R Timofte
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 48 (1), 77-83, 2019
Radiation dose of cone-beam computed tomography compared to conventional radiographs in orthodontics Strahlenbelastung beim digitalen Volumentomogramm im Vergleich zu …
L Signorelli, R Patcas, T Peltomäki, M Schätzle
J Orofac Orthop 77, 9-15, 2016
Evaluating the agreement of skeletal age assessment based on hand-wrist and cervical vertebrae radiography
P Beit, T Peltomäki, M Schätzle, L Signorelli, R Patcas
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 144 (6), 838-847, 2013
Torque differences according to tooth morphology and bracket placement: a finite element study
SN Papageorgiou, I Sifakakis, L Keilig, R Patcas, S Affolter, T Eliades, ...
European journal of orthodontics 39 (4), 411-418, 2017
Accuracy of linear intraoral measurements using cone beam CT and multidetector CT: a tale of two CTs
R Patcas, G Markic, L Müller, O Ullrich, T Peltomäki, CJ Kellenberger, ...
Dentomaxillofacial radiology 41 (8), 637-644, 2012
Assessing the length of the mandibular ramus and the condylar process: a comparison of OPG, CBCT, CT, MRI, and lateral cephalometric measurements
G Markic, L Müller, R Patcas, M Roos, N Lochbühler, T Peltomäki, ...
European journal of orthodontics 37 (1), 13-21, 2015
Is the use of the cervical vertebrae maturation method justified to determine skeletal age? A comparison of radiation dose of two strategies for skeletal age estimation
R Patcas, L Signorelli, T Peltomäki, M Schätzle
European Journal of Orthodontics 35 (5), 604-609, 2013
Facial attractiveness of cleft patients: a direct comparison between artificial-intelligence-based scoring and conventional rater groups
R Patcas, R Timofte, A Volokitin, E Agustsson, T Eliades, M Eichenberger, ...
European journal of orthodontics 41 (4), 428-433, 2019
Long-term follow-up of maxillary fixed retention: survival rate and periodontal health
P Dietrich, R Patcas, N Pandis, T Eliades
European Journal of Orthodontics 37 (1), 37-42, 2015
Pharyngeal airway dimensions: a cephalometric, growth-study-based analysis of physiological variations in children aged 6–17
B Mislik, MP Hänggi, L Signorelli, TA Peltomäki, R Patcas
European journal of orthodontics 36 (3), 331-339, 2014
The effect of bracket ligation on the periodontal status of adolescents undergoing orthodontic treatment. A systematic review and meta-analysis
S Arnold, D Koletsi, R Patcas, T Eliades
Journal of Dentistry 54, 13-24, 2016
Effect of different incisor movements on the soft tissue profile measured in reference to a rough-surfaced palatal implant
M Kuhn, G Markic, I Doulis, P Göllner, R Patcas, MP Hänggi
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 149 (3), 349-357, 2016
The inclination of mandibular incisors revisited
C Gütermann, T Peltomäki, G Markic, M Hänggi, M Schätzle, L Signorelli, ...
The Angle Orthodontist 84 (1), 109-119, 2014
Effect of chin-cup treatment on the temporomandibular joint: a systematic review
MA Zurfluh, D Kloukos, R Patcas, T Eliades
European journal of orthodontics 37 (3), 314-324, 2015
Effects of stem cell factor on cell homing during functional pulp regeneration in human immature teeth
N Ruangsawasdi, M Zehnder, R Patcas, C Ghayor, B Siegenthaler, ...
Tissue Engineering Part A 23 (3-4), 115-123, 2017
Surface and interfacial analysis of sandblasted and acid-etched enamel for bonding orthodontic adhesives
R Patcas, S Zinelis, G Eliades, T Eliades
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 147 (4), S64-S75, 2015
ATR-FTIR analysis and one-week stress relaxation of four orthodontic aligner materials
F Jaggy, S Zinelis, G Polychronis, R Patcas, M Schätzle, G Eliades, ...
Materials 13 (8), 1868, 2020
Motivation for orthognathic treatment and anticipated satisfaction levels—a two-centre cross-national audit
R Patcas, SJ Cunningham, J Shute, T Lloyd, JA Obwegeser, L Arjomand, ...
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 45 (6), 1004-1009, 2017
Magnetic resonance imaging followup of temporomandibular joint inflammation, deformation, and mandibular growth in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients receiving systemic …
A Bollhalder, R Patcas, M Eichenberger, L Müller, S Schroeder-Kohler, ...
The Journal of rheumatology 47 (6), 909-916, 2020
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